/ Vaser


June 9, 2009


Older women with younger men is no longer shocking.  For example look at Katie Couric and her beau or Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher. Madonna and whomever is her present squeeze, etc.  It is now part of accepted societal trend and behavior.  What was once good for the goose is now good for the gander.  Now there are scores of Cougar dating sites.  ABC’s new show is called Cougar Town with Courtney Cox. Daytime soaps are developing Cougar storylines for their summer shows.

This is no longer a trend but an accepted way of life.

I have several docs who work on cougars…it is generally a work in progress and below is a pitch for your consideration.


Internationally renowned and Denver’s largest plastic surgery practice,
Dr. John Millard and Dr. David Broadway, also known as “DENVER’S BEST
BREAST MAN EXTRAORDINAIR,” perform Cougar-making surgeries every day,
transforming aging women who are going through the ravages of time,
into beautiful hunters who are craved by younger men. Their practice is
aptly named : Bod:evolve.  http://www.bodevolve.com/

These two fountain-of-youth makers have become Denver’s largest
practice for good reason! Recession? They never had one! And if their
business is an economic indicator that the recession experienced by the
rest of the world is nearing an end, they’ll tell you they’re booked
and booked well, in large part by wannabe Cougars who can’t wait to be
groomed by the best in the business.

These two are the lead trainers for what has become the rave
liposuction technology, VASER, the very same technology that’ll take a
pudgy body and enable themselves to sculpt a David-like body out of it,
as though they were a couple of Michelangelos themselves. VASER is also
centered there in Denver by the way, the city that’s quickly becoming
the epicenter of some of the country’s greatest plastic surgery at
Bod:evolve. People fly in from all over the world to get this

This group is also now leading the new capability to take the
proverbial fat out of one’s butt and through the magic of stem cell fat
transfer, re-injecting it into a Cougar’s breast for a cost busting
breast enhancement without the use of those infamous breast gel
implants. You won’t believe how inexpensive this has become.

Dr. Broadway is perhaps the country’s premiere expert on “HI DEF
BREASTS,” and will make any willing woman into a perky and well-fanged

This is just scratch’n at the surface. Take any other age enhancing
technique in their bag of tricks, all dispensed out of one of the most
incredible facilities in the country by the way, in the Denver area
Cougars have the best place to get their fangs sharpened. Face lifts,
Ear lobe reductions (one of the tell-tale signs of aging) is the
drooping ear lobe! A must have for those in their quest for that
youthful appearance), high def LipoSculpture to remake an entire body
if desired, lips, eye lids, you name it there is a procedure for enhancement.

Anything that needs sharpening to MAKE A COUGAR A SUCCESSFUL COUGAR is
being done at Bodevolve. And in other plastic surgery offices throughout the country. Note the name of the practice! Bodevolve is aptly named.