Diabetes Care recently published online before print full results from a phase 2 trial of Mesoblast’s mesenchymal precursor cell (MPC) treatment for type 2 diabetes aimed at reducing inflammation. Topline results were released at the end of 2013. The multicenter 12-week, single-blind, dose escalation trial randomized 61 type 2 diabetes patients (mean A1c of 8.3% and diabetes duration of 10 years) to receive a single intravenous infusion of 0.3, 1.0, or 2.0 million MPCs/kg or placebo. After 12 weeks, the MPC treatment produced modest, dose-dependent A1c reductions compared to placebo (0.0%, -0.1%, and -0.3% respectively for the 0.3, 1.0, and 2.0 million MPCs/kg doses). The greatest difference in A1c was seen in the highest dose group at week eight with a 0.4% reduction vs. placebo (P<0.05). At 12 weeks, five (33.3%) subjects in the highest dose group had achieved the <7% A1c target compared to none in the placebo group (P<0.05). As is commonly seen, the treatment seemed to demonstrate greater efficacy in patients with starting A1c ≥8% – a 0.4% reduction in the highest dose group compared to a 0.2% reduction in patients with a starting A1c <8%. There was no observed difference in fasting glucose levels, suggesting this treatment may be targeting postprandial effects. Crucially, the study saw no serious adverse events, serious hypoglycemia, or discontinuations over the 12-week trial period, meeting its primary endpoint. In addition, no immune responses against MPC donor antigens were identified in any subject. We are glad to see these reassuring safety results and look forward to seeing efficacy results from more robust trials in the future. Stem cell treatments are a hot topic in diabetes treatment right now, though most therapies in the pipeline are focused on type 1 diabetes (see Melton group and ViaCyte). Mesoblast is also currently in phase 2 trials investigating MPCs as a diabetic nephropathy treatment.
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As we sought to establish our boutique medical practice in Los Angeles, we needed a crack PR firm to break ranks and to lead the pack. We found Arlene Howard. For designing and executing brand awareness, Arlene and her firm are second to none. Arlene Howard PR is truly the industry prophet. Master of their craft, their industry connections are literally Who’s Who in Los Angeles. They also knew our needs and addressed them like we were family. Their pitches were spot on. Arlene Howard herself has twice the energy of those half her age and clearly holds a deep love for what she does. Throw in her creative, out-of-the-box thinking and her razor-sharp wit and watch things fly! For us, AHPR led us to placement in the New York Times, Playboy, US News and World Report and the Atlantic Monthly and a host of others. With this wickedly good skillset, Arlene Howard’s firm produced the only thing that matters: Results. Impact. Visibility. Awareness. Reputation. Connection. On a 5-star scale, they score an easy 6.

In the more than 25 years I have worked with Arlene Howard, she has always been a consummate professional. When you work with Arlene, you know you are getting the best. Her word is your bond, and she has a dedication to her clients that is unparalleled.

Arlene Howard Public Relations is an attentive, compassionate and incredibly tenacious group PR go-getters! We greatly appreciate their hard work and dedication. They are an integral part and absolute asset to our team.