Sorry, the SPF in Your Makeup Is Not Enough to Protect You From the Sun
September 11, 2018
If you’re stocked up on SPF primers, foundations, bronzers, and beyond, we applaud your dedication to protecting yourself from the sun. But–sorry to disappoint–SPF makeup is just no substitute for real deal sunscreen.
I feel very comfortable referring my clients to Arlene Howard PR as she gets results and always delivers what she promises.
Patty GlaserGlaser Weil Fink Jacobs Howard Avchen & Shapiro
In the more than 25 years I have worked with Arlene Howard, she has always been a consummate professional. When you work with Arlene, you know you are getting the best. Her word is your bond, and she has a dedication to her clients that is unparalleled.
John Salamone
Arlene and her team are a no nonsense, hardworking, leave-no-stoneunturned bunch. They do it all, and at warp speed. No baloney or false promises, just results, guaranteed to get your phone ringing o the hook, re you are prepared for it, definitely beyond your wildest dreams.