Why You Should Never Pop That Red, Tender Bump Near Your Eye
February 9, 2018
There are all sorts of bumps that can pop up on your face: Everything from zits on your chin to cold sores on your lips, there’s no shortage of lesions that can take up residence on your mug.
In the more than 25 years I have worked with Arlene Howard, she has always been a consummate professional. When you work with Arlene, you know you are getting the best. Her word is your bond, and she has a dedication to her clients that is unparalleled.
John Salamone
AHPR is phenomenal! I have been with them for less than two months and we have already secured a television appearance as well as multiple media mentions. Arlene and team immediately connected with members of my team to optimize communication and efficiency. Her social media advisers have given us valuable tips and support. I am impressed!