Monsters & Critics / Counting Sheep Coffee

Natural Products Expo West 2015 Preview Scoop Of Top Exhibitors!

March 2, 2015

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Monsters and Critics is heading to the Comic-Con for foodies, the annual Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA. March 5 – 7, 2015! We’ve already had a jump start trying many products that will be exhibiting there, and have discovered some incredible new entries in the vegetarian and non-veg categories that will be at a grocery near you soon… if not already.

Always one of our favorite destinations, the Natural Products Expo West is the largest tradeshow in the natural, organic and healthy products industry. The majority of items are made in the USA by smaller companies who have worked hard to make a mark in a very competitive field. If you love healthy snacks, this is Valhalla.

As we do annually, we got a jump start on the Expo and have been eating our way through some exceptional new food items, and highly recommend the following fantastic finds for anyone attending this event to look for:

Counting Sheep Coffee – Booth #7211


This surprising Canadian newcomer is a coffee you can safely drink before bedtime, as it promotes natural restful sleep with no complications or grogginess the next day. North American Grocery chains are catching on to this Bed, Bath & Beyond bestseller and snapping it up. We loved the Lights Out (strongest version) and if you are an insomniac, get some of this tasty Valerian root enhanced Swiss water decaf and have a cup of Joe to knock you out!  Deland Jessop – the creator – will be on hand to answer questions and sample the product.

Original Article

Counting Sheep Coffee