The Thanksgiving meal is like a “Greatest Hits” album of your favorite family recipes. Whether it’s your aunt’s signature marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes, or your cousin’s signature sweet-and-sour pot roast, eating these delectable, love-cooked dishes, is what makes the holiday dinner so special. This is not the day to count the calories in that slice of pumpkin pie, or carefully measure a scoop of mashed potatoes. Thanksgiving can be your reward for all the discipline you’ve shown throughout the year. (more…)
You know to reach for spinach over sugar, but did you know the way you cook that spinach affects how many nutrients your body absorbs? Welcome to the very complicated world of bioavailability, which is really just a fancy way to talk about the amount of nutrients the body takes in when you prepare and eat a certain food, says Tracy Lesht, R.D. Here’s what you need to do to make sure you’re getting the maximum amount of health-boosting benefits from every single bite. (more…)
Let’s face it, nobody’s poop smells great, but if you’ve noticed that yours is even more pungent than normal, it might be a sign that something’s going on in your body. (more…)
For starters, everybody poops, and there’s no “right” way to do it, says Larry Good, MD, a board-certified gastroenterologist affiliated with Concierge Choice Physicians. “Each of us poops differently,” and some people always tend to have BMs that are kind of watery–and that might be fine, he says. The key is to pay attention to what’s normal for you. (more…)