If it seems like you’re always fantasizing about that heaping pile of spaghetti or when the next hunk of crumpling, crusty bread will hit your mouth, you’re not alone. Our bodies crave carbs because we rely on them as fuel. (more…)
Remember diet soda? That fizzy, filling, fake-sweet stuff that made you feel like you could eat whatever you want, because drinking a diet cola is just like deleting all those calories from your cheeseburger-and-fries lunch? (Except not.)
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a full 85% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at least some form of acne. Later in life, the scars often remain as reminders of the emotional distress caused by the condition. These are some of the most effective and advanced treatments currently performed in dermatology and plastic surgery practices to minimize the appearance of acne scars. (more…)
Water is important, but how much do we really need to drink? A new study from researchers at Monash University has revealed the physiological mechanism that regulates fluid intake and stops us from overdrinking; the study also suggests that “eight glasses of water a day” is more of an urban legend than concrete science.
Thirst is our body’s way of telling us we need to drink. The new research shows that difficulty swallowing is our body telling us we’ve had enough. The new study has revealed that when we are fully hydrated, our bodies can make it more difficult to swallow water in an attempt to keep us from overhydration. (more…)