May 16, 2011
Bristol Palin’s new look? Dr. Alexander Rivkin shares opinion on the procedure

By April MacIntyre
Dr. Rivkin weighs in on what might have transpired in a year for the daughter of ex Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, who kicked up her heels on the last season of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.”
According to California board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alexander Rivkin, something may be different with Bristol Palin’s face.
Dr. Rivkin weighs in on what might have transpired in a year for the daughter of ex Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, who kicked up her heels on the last season of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.”
Dr. Rivkin tells Monsters and Critics, “Weight loss in certain folks can really change the shape of the face, usually for the better. As the fullness around the the jawline, under the chin and in the upper neck area disappears, the person’s face gains definition and the shape goes from round to oval. In her case it seems that this jawline definition effect was enhanced by some augmentation of her chin. Whether this was via an implant or filler injection is hard to tell. The augmentation is relatively subtle and natural looking. It also looks like she had some augmentation of her lower lip, most likely with a hyaluronic acid filler product like Juvederm. I have to say the overall effect looks very good.”