5 Tips for Managing Your Health if Your Family Has a History of Addiction
December 5, 2018
DR. NORA VOLKOW WAS decisive when a physician at the emergency room who was evaluating her for a foot fracture suggested she take prescription analgesics to ease the pain: “No thank you,” she told the doctor.
Arlene's communication skills are only surpassed by her persistence to get the job done-and done right. She's the person you want on your team.
Lee IacoccaBusiness Icon
Arlene Howard PR is excellent at what they do. With only a month on board I’m extremely impressed with not only the attention we are given but with how quickly things are progressing. They’ve taken the time to really understand our business and are by far exceeding expectations.
Dr. Mohammad, M.D.
Arlene and her AHPR team are simply the best in the business, the “A Team.” Arlene was recommended to me by a physician friend of mine for whom she had coordinated national media spots on top shows like the Today Show and Nightline. Arlene and I have only been working together for a few months, yet she has already arranged appearances for me with Forbes and Wall Street Journal, and I am on track to be on The Doctors as well…such an amazing accomplishment! Arlene and her team are dedicated, hard-working, creative, successful, and to top it off, they are so fun to work with. Arlene truly takes her clients’ interests to heart, and she rejoices and takes pride in their ultimate success! I highly recommend Arlene and her “A Team!”
Ming Wang MD; phDCEO of Aier-USA, director of Wang Vision Institute, Nashville, TN, USA