Arlene and her team are a no nonsense, hardworking, leave-no-stoneunturned bunch. They do it all, and at warp speed. No baloney or false promises, just results, guaranteed to get your phone ringing o the hook, re you are prepared for it, definitely beyond your wildest dreams.
Thom E Lobe, MD
Founder, Beneveda Medical Group
Arlene Howard PR is excellent at what they do. With only a month on board I’m extremely impressed with not only the attention we are given but with how quickly things are progressing. They’ve taken the time to really understand our business and are by far exceeding expectations.
Dr. Mohammad, M.D.
Simon & Schuster informed us that our book is getting a second printing. I don't think we would have had this success without AHPR INC. Thank you so much for standing by us.
Genevieve Wong
Co-Author of Healing Herbal Soups