I recently really wanted to try juicing and luckily
Champion offered me one of their juicers. After
looking at their site and their juicers, I definitely wanted to try it out.
I was so excited for the juicer to come that I had a lot of my fruits and veggies all ready to go. So within a day or two of receiving it, I made my first juice with household unit. Since this was my first time ever using a juicer especially this one and I didn’t want to mess up, I relied heavily on the manual and videos that Champion have. I really loved the fact that they had videos. I mean, I love manuals and pictures help with step by steps, but videos help so much more. At least for me it does.
The first thing I liked was that there aren’t a ton of parts (and everything was put together). So this juicer was pretty much all ready to go right out of the box if you so chose (I did wash everything though first).

For my first juice I decided on making what is called Sunset (it does look like a sunset)
2 apples, cored
1 medium beet
1 orange, peeled
3 carrots
When making this juice make sure you put everything into the
juicer in the order that I have
listed. For the apples I cut into quarters so it would fit easier into the top part. Push the fruit or
veggies down with tamper. Never push things down with your hands.
For this recipe I was really worried it was going to have a really heavy/strong beet taste, but
luckily I was so wrong and it didn’t. the apple and orange weakened the beet. It wasn’t super
sweet but it was really good and it made 16 oz which to me doesn’t sound too bad at all
considering there weren’t that many ingredients.
The pulp was thick that came out, which from what I learned means that we got the most out of
the fruits and veggies. Do remember to have a cup or something at the end of the juicer so it
catch the pulp or you may have a little bit of a mess on your counter.
Also, this is not a small machine or light. I do keep it on a shelf as it takes up a lot of counter
space, but as do a lot of appliances I have, so not a big deal for me. If you do need some
replacement parts, you can buy right from Champion Juicer website.

Champion has a ton of
recipes on their site if you want ideas on what fruits and veggies to pair
together. There are so many combination that the possibilities are endless. I have included a
few that they have.
1/2 pineapple, peeled
1/2 slice lemon
1/2 cup fresh cranberries
3 tablespoons raw sugar
Juice together in the order given. Add the sugar to the juice and stir.
If you want to try out juicing for yourself, you should definitely consider this
Champion Juicer.
You can buy it straight from their site!
If you have tried juicing before, please tell me your favorite recipe. I can’t wait to keep trying
new things.
– See more at: http://www.topnotchmaterial.com/2015/06/champion-juicer-making-healthy-eating.html#sthash.53TbT06p.dpuf
Original Post – http://www.topnotchmaterial.com/2015/06/champion-juicer-making-healthy-eating.html