Celebzter / Cliffside Malibu

Expert Opinion: Is Lindsay Lohan’s “Exhaustion” Something More?

June 18, 2012

June 18 2012

Expert Opinion: Is Lindsay Lohan’s “Exhaustion” Something More?

On Friday it emerged that Lindsay Lohan was found non-responsive in her Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey, with her representative, Steve Honig, citing “exhaustion” for her apparent collapse.

He went on to add that Lindsay has been “working a gruelling schedule for the last couple of days” on the Elizabeth Taylor biopic.

Then, on Saturday, she was pictured with dark, puffy eyes and a bloated face, as the long days seem to be taking a toll on the 25-year-old.

But is it work, or play that is affecting the star?

We consulted addiction expert Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, who has his own theories on what may well be going on with the actress, whose problems with substance abused have long been chronicled.

Below, he shares his thoughts…


In my experience dealing with celebrity addiction clients… it appears that Lindsay’s latest incident just doesn’t pass the smell test.  In all probability there is complete lack of accountability here and a complete deniability of where she is in the arc of her life.

It seems as though celebrities and their handlers are always framing black outs or pass out episodes as exhaustion or dehydration.  It is not unusual for handlers to use this as code for being too drugged out or torn up.

What you have to understand that when a doctor is so concerned that he has to call the hotel staff to check on a person and they are so unresponsive that 911 has to be called, this seems to me and most reasonable people in the addiction industry to be a major red flag.  I’m not surprised that she wasn’t taken to the hospital,  it is possible that her enablers were there to stop that from happening so that no tests could be run to check what was in her system.  It seems likely that Lindsay’s people maybe scared of a potential further story and/or her winding up in jail again.

This latest episode is just part of a pattern.  Last week it was reported that she was in a car accident with an opened bottle of booze in the car, this shows a complete disregard and disrespect for where she has been at in her life just recently.

In my opinion, if she doesn’t get top notch intensive treatment, Lindsay is going to get progressively worse… there are only so many bullets you can dodge before you get hit.  The last two stories indicate that the train is about to come off the track and that a train wreck isn’t that far off.

Do you agree or tend to disagree?

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