Zola.com / Beach House Treatment Center

How to Stay Sober at a Wedding

October 30, 2019

If you don’t have a drink in your hand, someone at the wedding (whether that’s a server or another guest) is going to offer you one. So, if you’re being sober at a wedding, take it upon yourself, head to the bar, and get yourself a non-alcoholic drink.

“Play it safe and get yourself a drink when you arrive. Just having something in your hand will relieve much of the anxiety over being asked about not drinking,” says Emily Eckstein, PsyD, MFT of Beach House Treatment Center in Malibu, CA.

If you don’t want people to ask why you’re not drinking, just order a drink that could pass for a cocktail. “There are multiple options like apple juice, cranberry juice, and sparkling water that look to be a cocktail with a twist of lime and deter nosey wedding guests,” says Eckstein.

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