A smaller, back to school can cause them feelings. While they may appear very happy about it one day, the next they might express anxiety, fear or insecurity. These key points and make more bearable adaptation to the routine.
As mom and dad. We teach by example so if we are calm, confident and optimistic, children may feel too confident, explained Dr. Gail Gross, a psychologist expert in child and family development. They all feel some separation anxiety is normal. The important thing is that adults do not overburden the children with our own fears.
Give them tranquility. With back to school closer, they need to prepare. Gross Check out these tips and make the transition easier:
Anticipate. Forget last minute shopping. Preparing the materials in advance, add anxiety to avoid a time of hectic itself.
Organize a play-day ‘. Contact the parents of one or two of the classmates of your children and, before the first day of classes, enjoy together a day of games.
Avoid runs. Give them to your children enough time to eat breakfast and get ready in the morning, also remembers being on time to pick them up.
Encourages communication. Talk to them about their feelings and Give them some control over the situation. Do not minimize their emotions. By involving them, they will go to school happier.
When you do not want to go. As much as we prepare, some preschool and ‘first graders’ made a terrible tantrum at the entrance of the school. Do not think you handled; are trying to communicate, said Nadja N. Reilly, associate director of Freedman Center for Child and Family Development, University William James (Boston).
What does it mean? There are new rules and social relationships that must get used. They must also learn to be more independent, without help from mom and dad. For some children, this adaptation can be difficult, especially in the early years of schooling. Therefore, the fear of the unknown, surprising or uncomfortable, can trigger a tantrum, the specialist added.
Dealing With ‘tantrums’. In addition to involving them in the preparations and give them enough time to prepare every morning, these keys Reilly could help:
If your children express concerns, remind them that they are safe, they have people like you and their teacher, they are to help.
Talk to them about another time in which direction have been nervous, but they have been successful. For example: “Do you remember last week when you did not want to stay and ended up passing great teacher helping with the class pet?”
You see, survive the start of classes, it is possible!
Original Post – http://www.univision.com/estilo-de-vida/asi-se-vive-mejor-estilo-de-vida/como-sobrevivir-a-la-vuelta-de-clases