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How to Whittle Your Menopause Middle

August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

How to Whittle Your Menopause Middle

Feel like you’re losing the battle of the bulge? You’re not alone. Weight gain — especially around your waistline — is common during menopause, but these tips can help you zap the fat.

Though many women struggle with weight gain at various points in their lives, it can be a particular challenge during menopause.

“As people age, they begin to lose lean tissue [muscle], so they have a higher amount of fat-to-muscle than they did in their younger years,” says Melissa Halas-Liang, MA, RD, CDE, a spokeswoman for the California Dietetic Association. “Fat burns fewer calories than muscle. If women who have been through menopause eat the same amount of calories as they ate when they were younger, they will gain weight.”

That extra weight will likely pop up in the form of belly fat. Whereas women tend to store extra fat in their thighs and hips before menopause, decreases in the hormones estrogen and progesterone after menopause can cause any weight gain to shift to the abdominal region. Specifically, fat accumulates around the waist and internal abdominal organs, such as the liver. This is particularly dangerous because it can increase the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

The good news is that there are steps women can take to fight this battle of the bulge. Along with getting a good night’s sleep and keeping stress at bay, exercise and a healthy diet are key.

Belly Fat Fighter: Exercise

Cardio exercises that get the heart pumping faster are good for expending calories, but women shouldn’t neglect resistance or weight training. “The more muscle a woman has, the more efficient she will be at turning food into energy, and the higher her metabolic rate will be,” says Nicole Kuhl, MS, CCN, director of nutrition at LifeSpan Medicine in Santa Monica, Calif. “The less muscle a woman has, the more likely it is that she will store carbohydrates as fat.”

Consider using a heart-rate monitor to make sure the cardio duration and intensity are enough to be effective at burning calories and exercising your heart. And keep in mind that while sit-ups and crunches may help tone the abdominal muscles, they won’t make belly fat disappear — that comes from burning calories.

One of the biggest factors in successful exercise is keeping with it. “The most difficult thing to achieve when exercising is doing it regularly,” says Eugen C. Campian, MD, PhD, a physician specializing in urogynecology at the Mid-Atlantic Incontinence Center at Franklin Square Hospital Center in Baltimore. Dr. Campian suggests finding a workout buddy to keep you on track. “Exercising with friends can help you maintain a schedule. Joining a group at a local gym or exercising with others can transform a painful exercise session into a pleasant social event.”

Another option is investing in a personal trainer, advises Kuhl. In addition to being a good motivator, a trainer can design a program that targets your personal fitness goals, such as correcting muscle imbalances, improving strength and flexibility, or reducing body fat.

Belly-Fat Fighter: Diet

The other half of the flat-belly equation is watching both what and how much you eat. Weight gain or loss all comes down to calories and simple math An ideal diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lean meats, and low-fat or fat-free dairy. “When cooking, always try to choose the least-processed ingredients, because foods tend to lose nutrients during processing,” says Dr. Campian. Reducing portion sizes as you age to accommodate a slowdown in metabolism is also important.

Eating out can sabotage your efforts if you’re not careful. Choose restaurants with healthier food options, and watch those portion sizes. Consider splitting an entrée with a friend or taking half of it home to eat the next day.

And don’t forget water. “Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated,” says Halas-Liang. “Many times, people mistake thirst for hunger and consume extra calories they don’t need.”

Finally, use common sense and listen to your body. Eat only when you’re hungry and, even then, only in moderation. If you feel stuffed and uncomfortable after a meal, you’ve eaten too much.