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In the more than 25 years I have worked with Arlene Howard, she has always been a consummate professional. When you work with Arlene, you know you are getting the best. Her word is your bond, and she has a dedication to her clients that is unparalleled.

As a former producer on a prominent TV news franchise, I met and got calls from publicists on a daily basis. While I have good relationships with several of them, Arlene is one of the few whom I truly trust and respect. So it was a no-brainer that when it came time to promote my book, Healing Herbal Soups, I would enlist Arlene to do the PR. Not surprisingly, she delivered with flying colors.
Arlene's communication skills are only surpassed by her persistence to get the job done-and done right. She's the person you want on your team.