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Trend Alert: Move Over Ladies, Men Are Now Queuing Up To Get Lipo

April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

Trend Alert: Move Over Ladies, Men Are Now Queuing Up To Get Lipo

It’s been known as the fool-proof formula for women to remove unwanted cellulite and erase any perfections that come to light in the bikini season. And liposuction is also regularly used as a method for women to reshape their bodies.

But in an exclusive interview with Los Angeles based plastic surgeon Dr. Aaron Rollins from Elite Body Sculpture , it appears that many A-list actors are now following the ladies lead in their desire for big screen perfection.

Plus, he reveals what’s hot and what’s not in cosmetic procedures. Here is our interview with him…




Celebzter: Most of Hollywood’s leading ladies have had lipo, correct?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes, lipo is very common in the industry and even more common amongst the stars that say they “have never had anything done”…

Celebzter: When did lipo amongst the elite, really become huge?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Lipo has become increasingly popular as the technology has improved.  Once the Smart Lipo laser came out lipo became very commonplace and it seems to just get more popular every year.

Celebzter: What are the differences between good and bad lipo? Is it evident?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Good lipo is art.  It’s very easy to do and very hard to do well.  I believe that one doesn’t even get very good until they have done about 2000 patients.  Good lipo shouldn’t look like “lipo”,  it should just look like the person was built that way.  Good lipo looks natural with no perceptible scars.  Moreover, good lipo is safe and done without general anesthesia using the most advanced equipment.

Bad lipo is Tara Reid.  Over-suctioning , chunks, ripples, grooves and a donut around the belly button… that’s my pet peeve.  I see it almost every day in consultations and fixing bad lipo makes up a good portion of my job

Celebzter: How much does a procedure cost, and how long is the recovery time?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: With our technique wide-awake lipo using the Laser NIL, recovery time is around 48 hours or less.  Many people go back to work the next day and most people return to the gym or regular activities in a week.

Every procedure is different and different body areas are different prices.  However, our average price for a complete procedure with multiple areas is about $4,500

Celebzter: Are people getting lipo at a younger age now? What is the youngest patient you have had come through your doors?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: I have noticed that patients are getting younger we have many patients that are just graduating from college ( or occasionally high school) who want to fix a few problem areas before entering the work force.  The youngest patients that we’ve had are 18.

Celebzter: When, in your opinion are you too young to get it?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: We strongly believe that patients need to be at least 18

Celebzter: Are men now lining up to get lipo?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes, almost half of our patients are men

Celebzter: When did the trend amongst men start?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: About three years ago lipo for men became very popular.

Celebzter: Have some famous male stars undergone the treatment?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes…;)  but a good doctor doesnt lipo and tell

Celebzter: Why do you think men are now turning towards cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Aaron Rollins:I think there is more pressure for men to look good and look fit.  Many men get lipo before looking for a new job or if they are promoted  so they can “look the part”

Celebzter: There was a recent article about chin surgery? Why has that trend developed? And how many people do you have come through your door wanting it?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Chin lipo is actually my absolute favorite procedure to do.  We do about 50% of all our patients chins. It’s a simple 20 minute procedure and it’s the best ‘bang for your lipo buck’.

The results are amazing, by taking out a few tablespoons of fat from under the jaw makes anyone look significantly better and younger.  It’s incredible what a change it makes in my patients’ self confidence…

Celebzter: What are the hottest trends in cosmetic enhancements at the moment?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: The Brazilian Butt lift is very hot right now and I get requests for it from all over the country every day.  The Chin is also popular right now because Clay Aiken admitted to having it done.

More about Dr. Aaron Rollins and Elite Body Sculpture

Original Article