American Healthy and Beauty / Dr. Andre Berger

What Price is Beauty in the Wrong Hands?

February 14, 2014

What Price is Beauty in the Wrong Hands?


Dr. Andre Berger, a cosmetic surgeon and anti-aging expert who has performed hundreds ofVampire Face-Lift procedures says, “This is another unfortunate example of the serious risks of putting your cosmetic needs above common sense and allowing unlicensed individuals to perform cosmetic treatments. The Vampire Face Lift is a seemingly innocuous and perfectly safe procedure in the right hands and as this proves, it can be a fatal disaster in the wrong hands.”

According to Dr. Berger, “Vampire Therapy has been dubbed as the Vampire Facelift, Regen, Sephyl, and Vampire Skin Therapy to name just a few. Vampire Therapy (PRP) is a relatively new anti-wrinkle treatment using your own blood. We also call it ‘Blood Therapy’ or ‘Vampire Therapy,’ a play of words on the fact it involves the use of blood plasma, enriched through a special process to increase the concentration of platelets. These platelets you have naturally in your blood contain bio-active proteins and growth factors that serve to accelerate tissue repair and regeneration, and activate stem cells. Yes, it really does use a small amount of your own blood to prepare a platelet rich fibrin injectable gel. The Vampire Therapy System involves a three step process that’s quick and easy. The whole treatment can take as little as 20 minutes depending upon the area you want to have treated. The injections do not add volume but rather stimulate your own collagen production and cell migration to eliminate lines, folds and wrinkles. The improvement is subtle and natural. Results can last up to two years.”

The procedure is called the Vampire FaceLift (TM) because it involves taking cells from the patient’s own blood. It is a non-surgical treatment to add volume to the face and to help stimulate collagen production. The procedure can usually be performed in under an hour. It is a quick way to rejuvenate the face. Most patients appear less saggy, more rested, and with decreased wrinkles afterward. It is seen as a alternative to a traditional fillers only liquid facelift.

Blood is drawn from the patient, usually from their arm. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is then separated from the blood and injected into the areas of patients face that need treatment, right under the skin. This helps to trigger the collagen stimulating process. Each patient is different and may need multiple injections to achieve the best results. Youthful looking effects are reported to last from nine to eighteen months. 

Andre Berger, MD, is the founder of Rejuvalife Vitality Institute located in Beverly Hills, CA, which is one of the premier locations for anti-aging, wellness and cosmetic treatments in the country.

Original Article

Dr. Andre Berger

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