I met Brenda when she managed a 2,000-person department for a Fortune 500 company. Brought in to help her with an upcoming change initiative, I was impressed by Brenda’s intelligence, creativity, political savvy, and dedication to her job. She had all the qualities of a senior executive – which was her career goal.
Lyme disease, it’s not just for the east coasters!
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in North America and Europe.
A disgusting burrowing parasite latches on to you and infuses your blood with nasty Borrelia burgdorferi …all while you were trying to get a good hike in for the day.
Crédito: Cortesía Khalili Center
Se trata del Dr. Greg Nishi, un cirujano de Los Ángeles especializado en cirugía bariátrica, que en forma voluntaria asiste a las escuelas para compartir tips de nutrición y actividad física. Su intención es que los niños adquieran hábitos saludables para no llegar a ser obesos de adultos.
He shares his Top 5 Medical Symptoms You Should Never Ignore list and urges people reading this to dig deeper and go see a doctor if any of these are troubling you.
When you think of adult health, you might think about various strategies for health as simple as frequent hand-washing and being up-to-date on vaccines to common sense weight maintenance and cancer prevention. The choices you make every day go a long way toward promoting adult health.
But sometimes, despite all of our best efforts, there is a genetic predisposition that can catapult you into a high risk group for certain diseases.
Dr. Damon Raskin
In 1985, Yul Brynner teamed up with the American Cancer Society to create an anti-smoking commercial. A few days after his death from lung cancer, the commercial aired nationally for the first time. Brynner knew he was dying, and his final performance was a postmortem plea for people to stop smoking.
For Philip Seymour Hoffman, there will be no such commercial, only the sad truth that his drug-induced death was preventable.