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As a former producer on a prominent TV news franchise, I met and got calls from publicists on a daily basis. While I have good relationships with several of them, Arlene is one of the few whom I truly trust and respect. So it was a no-brainer that when it came time to promote my book, Healing Herbal Soups, I would enlist Arlene to do the PR. Not surprisingly, she delivered with flying colors.
I have known Arlene personally and professionally for over 25 years. In all that time I can say without a doubt she takes better care of her clients than any other public relations person I have known. Her communication skills are only surpassed by her persistence to get the job done – and done right. She’s the person you want on your team in a time of crisis as well as the person you want in your corner as a friend.

Dearest Arlene,
I have good news to share with you! Our show America Now has been nominated for an Emmy in the Outstanding Lifestyle Program category. I want to thank you for all of the support you gave our show. We considered you one of the team and believe your efforts and the contributions of your very talented clients contributed to our rating success and now our nomination!
Please stay in touch!