Oriana Murphy wanted to enjoy a memorable bachelorette outing with her girlfriends – literally memorable. “I didn’t want people to be wasted on my trip and not remember what we did,” says Murphy, who is in recovery from alcohol and drug misuse.
U.S.News /
Dr. Howard Samuels, The Hills Treatment Center
How to Plan a Sober Bachelorette or Bachelor Celebration
July 13, 2017
Moneyish /
Carlota Zimmerman
How to change your identity at work — like Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough just did
July 13, 2017
Bloomberg /
Southern California Reproductive Center
China’s Sperm Count Problem Has Created a Billion-Dollar Market
July 13, 2017
On a recent afternoon, a visitor from northern China took a smoke break outside the Beijing Perfect Family Hospital. Cigarettes were one reason he had come to the capital: he reckons his nicotine habit played a part in damaging his fertility.
Dr. Youdim
What’s the Difference Between Binge-Eating Disorder & Just Eating Too Much?
July 12, 2017
When does overeating turn into binge eating? (more…)
Western New York Family Magazine /
The Hills Treatment Center
Talking to Your Kids About Illicit Drug Use
July 11, 2017
Reports about the current opioid epidemic have saturated the news over the last several months, leaving parents baffled as to why smart, well-adjusted kids are turning to heroin to get high. Even though we’ve had programs and policies at both the federal and local level, illicit drug use among our youth continues to be a grave problem. (pg 36-37)