In 1979, China began what remains the largest demographic experiment in history. The country’s controversial one-child policy was introduced in a bid to slow the explosive birth rate of the world’s most populous country.
Fast-forward to the present, and it’s clear the policy has worked. Ironically, though, it has worked a little too well. China is now struggling with a shrinking labour force, which could spell economic disaster for the global heavyweight.
Now, you might be sipping cocktails at an egg-freezing fête.
Judging from a recent event at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel, female fertility could be the next big thing in direct marketing.
About two dozen women — and a few men — gathered one night this fall in the presidential suite of the L’Ermitage in this famously upscale city to chat, drink wine and eat hors d’oeuvres while hearing about the possibility of freezing their eggs.
Judging from a recent event at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel, female fertility could be the next big thing in direct marketing.
About 20 women and a few men gathered recently in the presidential suite of the Viceroy L’Ermitage in this famously upscale city to chat, drink wine and eat hors d’oeuvres while hearing about the possibility of freezing their eggs for future conception.
Now, you might be sipping cocktails at an egg-freezing fête.
Judging from a recent event at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel, female fertility could be the next big thing in direct marketing.
About 20 women — and a few men — gathered recently in the presidential suite of the Viceroy L’Ermitage in this famously upscale city to chat, drink wine and eat hors d’oeuvres while hearing about the possibility of freezing their eggs for future conception.
Now, you might be sipping cocktails at an egg-freezing fête.
Judging from a recent event at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel, female fertility could be the next big thing in direct marketing.
About two dozen women — and a few men — gathered one night this fall in the presidential suite of the L’Ermitage in this famously upscale city to chat, drink wine and eat hors d’oeuvres while hearing about the possibility of freezing their eggs.
Avoiding lead is not always that easy. Even if you don’t have a job in construction or plumbing, you may still come across lead in the paint and dust in older homes, and in everyday items such as candy and make-up, as well as soil and tap water. If you’re trying to conceive or already pregnant, it helps to know if lead is an issue of concern.
As science learns more about the complexities of PCOS (otherwise known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), women are catching up, too. Zocdoc recently reported that over the last year searches for the term “PCOS” are on the rise, which hopefully means more of the projected 8 to 20 percent of women that have it are getting it checked out.
Waddling around when you’re sore after sex is about as fun as having sore muscles after a tough workout. Luckily, there are a few ways to soothe your pain post-sex, but first you have to figure out what’s causing it.
If you have difficulty conceiving, it’s comforting to know that in vitro fertilization is an option. That said, no one ever actually wants to go through IVF. The process involves money, hormones, self-administered shots (often in your butt or stomach), and a lot of emotional highs and lows. And it doesn’t help that people don’t really know how to act around you when you’re going through it.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects between 1 and 6 and 1 and 20 women of reproductive age. It’s a leading cause of infertility — 40% of women with PCOS experience problems with fertility — and women often learn they have PCOS when they encounter difficulty getting pregnant.
High school sex ed did a number on me, and I spent most of my life living with a low-grade fear that I would get pregnant every time I had sex, even though I used the pill. That notion was further confirmed when I got pregnant with my first son the day my husband and I started trying. But when we decided to try to have another baby, things weren’t so easy.
Molly Sims is partnering with Us Weekly to talk about fertility and share her journey to becoming a mother of two — and soon three! The 43-year-old actress, married to producer Scott Stuber, 47, spoke candidly in a video for her YouTube channel about freezing embryos, trying IVF twice and ultimately conceiving naturally with each of her pregnancies.
Molly Sims is a proud mother of three children who has never kept quiet about her fertility woes.
“I think now it’s much more open, but I think it’s open because people are talking about it,” the 44-year-old model told Closer Weekly Thursday. “It’s not an easy path, and I think a lot of it is hidden, and there are a lot of things out there. As much as ‘it takes a village’ when you have children, I think now ‘it takes a village’ to have a child.”
When I first became an egg donor, I was inundated with many questions from curious friends. Many people wanted to know if donating my eggs meant I was now infertile, or whether I still had ovaries, or whether it was a painful process.
Infertility. It’s a painful and deeply personal word for a couple to be confronted with, and one that is wracked with emotion and grief. Most couples discover infertility only after trying to achieve pregnancy for quite awhile, and the first question they wonder is, Where exactly is the issue here?
Desperate times call for desperate measures and for some women, whether hoping for a positive or a negative result, the driving need to know if they’re pregnant ASAP pushes them beyond what many would call the edge of reason.
Dr. Shahin Ghadir is paving the way to make reciprocal IVF (a way for both mothers to have a genetic bond with their biological baby) be accessible for lesbian couples who want to become parents.
AMY Wang, 31, flew to the United States in May to have her reproductive eggs frozen for future use when she marries and decides to have children. “I want to freeze my eggs at a prime age to ensure a healthy child,” Wang said. “This liberates me from anxieties about a pregnancy late in my reproductive years.”
On a recent afternoon, a visitor from northern China took a smoke break outside the Beijing Perfect Family Hospital. Cigarettes were one reason he had come to the capital: he reckons his nicotine habit played a part in damaging his fertility.
The Beijing News — Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Section D04 Health Weekly
AMY Wang, 31, flew to the United States in May to have her reproductive eggs frozen for future use when she marries and decides to have children. “I want to freeze my eggs at a prime age to ensure a healthy child,” Wang said. “This liberates me from anxieties about a pregnancy late in my reproductive years.”
Pregnancy may seem like a far off (or maybe never) venture for you, but here are the things doctors think you should know about your fertility in advance. (more…)
Far too many women live through the heartbreak of miscarriage, and there is a wide spectrum of healthy responses afterward. Some are ready to try again as soon as possible, while others may need to give themselves a long physical and emotional recovery period before seeking another pregnancy. But one common thread can be found post-miscarriage and that’s the question, does a miscarriage affect future fertility? (more…)
A growing problem, devastating for women and invisible to society. (more…)
ART (also known as assisted reproductive technology) helps bring many new babies into the world–but like many of my in vitro fertilization (IVF) sisters, I never thought ART would become the only option available for me to become pregnant. And so, when I started with IVF meds, I didn’t necessarily know what to expect–and I found plenty of surprises along my journey to motherhood. (more…)
“If I hear one more ‘my friend got pregnant after five years of trying,’ or get emailed another article about the next crazy herbal treatment that can increase fertility, I’ll lose my mind,” saysLinda Rice, a Massachusetts-based certified nurse and midwife who experienced fertility issues for three years before having a son. (more…)
Nancy Kerrigan made headlines this week after bravely revealing that after marrying her husband Jerry Soloman in 1995 and welcoming their son Matthew in 1996, she experienced six miscarriages in eight years. (more…)
There’s a lot involved when you’re trying to have a baby, and if you’re having issues, a visit to the doctor’s office can often help shed some light. However, if a visit to the fertility clinic isn’t in your near future, you can also pay attention to some subtle signs of infertility that you might not realize. Understanding what’s going in your body can help you determine your chances of getting pregnant, even if you’re not looking to have a baby right this moment. (more…)
Ladies trying to have babies, allow us to save you some serious time and energy (more…)
After suffering a painful condition starting at age 12, this college student made her choice.
Egg-freezing is rising in popularity, and it’s become even buzzier lately thanks to celebrities like Bachelorette star Kaitlyn Bristowe and Olivia Munn opening up about their experience with the procedure. (more…)
Birth control is supposed to make your life easier. Whether you take a pill, use a vaginal ring, or have an IUD, you can often expect regulated periods, clearer skin, and (of course) protection from pregnancy. But if things don’t go as planned, you may find yourself experiencing all sorts of side effects. Whether it’s nausea that just won’t quit, or something a little more serious, your body will definitely let you know when or if you need to change your birth control. (more…)
More and more, women looking for options when it comes to their reproductive future have turned to egg freezing. In addition to the rise of “egg freezing parties” nationwide, some employers are even adding egg freezing to their benefits packages. But there are many myths about what freezing your eggs actually is like. (more…)
SPOTLIGHT: Mark Surrey, M.D., Co-founder and Medical Director, Southern California Reproductive Center (SCRC) (more…)
There’s no guarantee of success with fertility treatments, and it can be painful for couples to go through the time, emotional energy, and money involved in treatments without becoming pregnant. Now, a new study has found a correlation between unsuccessful fertility treatments and a higher risk of heart disease later in life. But before you freak out about his, there are a few things you should know. (more…)
A woman in Texas is finally pregnant after years of trying to conceive and multiple miscarriages–and she’s shared her journey in a Facebook post that’s garnered a lot of attention. The post features a photo of two onesies–one that says “Worth the wait” and another that says “and wait…and wait…and wait”–surrounded by needles. (more…)
Thanks to a poor sex education system, trying to get pregnant sounds a lot easier than it actually is. I was pretty convinced as a teen that if I even looked at a penis, I was risking having my womb inhabited. But there are some trying to get pregnant red flags that prove having a baby isn’t as easy as high school led you to believe. (more…)
Of course, we all want to have healthy, happy, fulfilling sex lives, but recent surveys show that many women are struggling to even have comfortable sex. A survey recently published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that almost 7,000 women in the UK experience pain during sex. Sadly, this isn’t exactly news. (more…)
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average age of women at childbirth is increasing. According to the CDC report, between 2000-2014, the percentage of women aged 25-29, 30-34, and 35 and over each increased. While research has found risks for both very young mothers and those over 35, there are some important things to know about conceiving as you get older, no matter your current age. (more…)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects about 10 percent of women, but many are unfamiliar with what exactly the disorder is. If you’ve noticed some abnormal changes in your body that have to do with your period, hair growth, and more, you may be exhibiting signs that you have PCOS. Many women with the condition don’t even realize they have it, but getting diagnosed can help those unwanted side effects in check and allow you to take the proper steps to preserve your health down the line. (more…)
Gay couples having babies has become the norm… but what about a transgender man who has been given the opportunity to use his own eggs to have a biological baby. Science has now allowed transgender people to be biological parents to their own children. Dr. Shahin Ghadir at the Southern California Reproductive Center is at the forefront of helping transgender people have their own biological babies by freezing their eggs before they medically transition. This allows a genetic connection with their children, which is very important to many people. (more…)
Have sex, they said. You’ll get pregnant, they said. They were wrong — sort of. Even though you can get knocked up after having unprotected sex just once (thanks for the heads up, sex ed!), timing often plays a huge part in conceiving a baby. After all, your chances of getting pregnant can largely depend on if you’re ovulating. A quick crash course on what ovulation is: It’s when an egg is released from your ovary into your fallopian tubes (it usually happens roughly around the middle of your cycle). There, it can connect with sperm — a meet-up that may result in, boom, a baby! You’re most fertile on the day you’re ovulating, and the 5 days leading up to it. (more…)
Fans collectively freaked out Wednesday afternoon after Beyoncé Knowles announced on social media that she’s pregnant with twins. Knowles made the announcement in an artsy Instagram post that showed her posing in lingerie while cradling her belly. “We would like to share our love and happiness,” she captioned the photo, which has become the most-liked Instagram post ever. “We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. – The Carters.” There’s no official word on when the twins are due, but once they arrive, they’ll join big sister Blue Ivy. (more…)
Chrissy Teigen has been open and vocal about her struggle with fertility and her subsequent choice to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) to have children. And now, she’s tackling critics head-on who suggest that she took the easy way out. (more…)
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