A woman in Texas is finally pregnant after years of trying to conceive and multiple miscarriages–and she’s shared her journey in a Facebook post that’s garnered a lot of attention. The post features a photo of two onesies–one that says “Worth the wait” and another that says “and wait…and wait…and wait”–surrounded by needles. (more…)
You know you want to shed pounds and you’re pretty clear on the changes you need to make to reach that magic number on the scale. But you also know that getting–and staying–on track can be super-daunting, especially if you’re running low in the motivation department. (more…)
Thanks to a poor sex education system, trying to get pregnant sounds a lot easier than it actually is. I was pretty convinced as a teen that if I even looked at a penis, I was risking having my womb inhabited. But there are some trying to get pregnant red flags that prove having a baby isn’t as easy as high school led you to believe. (more…)
Of course, we all want to have healthy, happy, fulfilling sex lives, but recent surveys show that many women are struggling to even have comfortable sex. A survey recently published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that almost 7,000 women in the UK experience pain during sex. Sadly, this isn’t exactly news. (more…)
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average age of women at childbirth is increasing. According to the CDC report, between 2000-2014, the percentage of women aged 25-29, 30-34, and 35 and over each increased. While research has found risks for both very young mothers and those over 35, there are some important things to know about conceiving as you get older, no matter your current age. (more…)