Celebzter / Dr. Constantino Mendieta Are Brazilian butt lifts the new boob job? March 3, 2014

Are Brazilian butt lifts the new boob job?

Are butt lifts the new boob job? Are you sitting on your assets?

A 58% spike in the number of buttock enhancements in the past year prompted some to wonder if butt lifts are the new boob job

Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami, says that celebrities with voluptuous backsides are inspiring this trend. The procedure, known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, takes fat from unwanted areas and transfers it to the buttocks, where it is then shaped and molded to perfection. A recent study done by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) revealed that the procedure is so popular that 11% more plastic surgeons over last year have begun offering it on their list of services.

Kim Kardashian’s famed booty is said to have help fuel the trend.

“Buttocks simply were an after-thought in the early days of body sculpting. At most, middle-aged women might ask for a lift if their buttocks had begun to sag,” Mendieta tells CelebZter. “If anything, the emphasis was on trying to minimize the hips to achieve a more ‘modern,’ fashion model-like figure with flattened buttocks. But now with celebrities like J.Lo and Kim Kardashian, the notions of beauty have shifted to a more rounded and fuller pro-portion.”

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Celebzter / Dr. Akikur Mohammad Hoffman’s Autopsy Report – Medical Expert Weighs In March 3, 2014

Hoffman’s Autopsy Report – Medical Expert Weighs In

Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an overdose of overdose of both uppers and downers, including heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and benzodiazepines, the New York medical examiner concluded Friday. Nationally recognized addiction expert Dr. A. R. Mohammad, M.D., says this scenario is all too common among heroin addicts who try to “manage” their highs.


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Associated Press / Vaser Surgery, wigs, tape: Stars’ red carpet secrets February 26, 2014

Surgery, wigs, tape: Stars’ red carpet secrets

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The flawless looks about to be unveiled on the Oscars red carpet have been months in the making and require an army of experts.

With perhaps the highest concentration of cameras anywhere in the world that night, plus millions of viewers keenly critiquing every outfit, Oscar’s red carpet is the ultimate runway, where designers and their muses are discovered and celebrated. Hair and makeup trends are established. New style-setting stars are crowned. And sartorial scorn is heaped upon those who make even the slightest misstep.

All that perfection takes a lot of preparation. Here’s a look at the standard steps and secret tricks that stars employ to get red carpet ready:


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Celebzster / Dr. Akikur Mohammad Hollywood and Heroin: Why the intrigue? February 6, 2014

Hollywood and Heroin: Why the intrigue?


Last year it was Cory Monteith. Now the media is focused upon the loss of the tremendously talented Philip Seymour Hoffman, who was found dead at just 46 on Sunday after an apparent overdose.

Hoffman joins the legions of others in the spotlight who have gone too soon thanks to their penchant for drugs, namely heroin.

From Jim Morrison to John Belushi to Kurt Cobain to Philip Seymour Hoffman, why are so many incredibly talented people hooked on heroin?

We asked Addiction specialist Dr. A. R. Mohammad, M.D., who is a board-certified expert psychiatrist, an associate professor at USC’s Keck School of Medicine where he teaches addiction medicine, and is the founder and medical director of Inspire Malibu Treatment Center, to get his perspective of why stars tread into such a treacherous dark dangerous world.


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Celebzster / Dr. Akikur Mohammad Understanding Why Philip Seymour Hoffman had 70 Bags of Heroin in his Possession February 5, 2014

Understanding Why Philip Seymour Hoffman had 70 Bags of Heroin in his Possession


On Saturday at around 8pm, Philip Seymour Hoffman reportedly withdrew $1,200 in six installments to pay two men for drugs on Saturday evening at around 8pm.

At around 11am on Sunday, the 46-year-old Oscar-winner was found dead in his $10,000 a month West Village apartment with a hypodermic needle sticking out of his left arm. He was surrounded by 70 bags of heroin and 20 used syringes.

Hoffman’s descent from sobriety to drug-addled star was quick and swift.

It has been claimed that before Christmas he stopped going to AA and started frequenting the Automatic Slims bar.


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