Trusted dermatologists and plastic surgeons based in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and London weigh in on the latest beliefs and the most effective advanced-technology procedures and injectables.
Vanity Fair: What’s been the most popular procedure in your office with proven results? Clear + Brilliant? Ulthera? Fraxel?
Rian Maercks: My most popular procedure with proven results is Aesthetic Facial Balancing. Today we have the ability to create dramatic but highly natural-looking results without surgery through the use of hyaluronic-acid-based fillers, which are safe to use in volume. I thoroughly analyze each face for the areas that create the appearance of aging, fatigue, and wrinkles, which is the effect of having lost volume. A.F.B. is a 30-minute procedure that restores youth, eliminates wrinkles, and makes the patient look well-rested and healthy, all non-surgically. Results last for several years. It’s like a face-lift but better, as it only takes 30 minutes and there’s minimal recovery time.
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