Teen Vogue / Dr. Syd Miller On Celebrity Deaths, Fandom Friends, and How to Grieve Online August 24, 2022

“Fandom can provide a powerful social support network for the participating individual, and for some it is their only social support network. As such belonging to a fandom group can be a powerful coping mechanism as social support is critical to mental health and coping,” Dr. Syd Miller, host of On-Call with Dr. Syd, shares via email. “Fandom can also provide a source of validation for yourself, your values and your interests. These are all critical factors in developing a healthy self-esteem, which is also critical to good mental health. This may be particularly important in the teen years where individuation is occurring, when teens are developing a sense of self.”


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Yahoo Lifestyle / Dr. Syd Miller Parents call it ‘gut-wrenching’ to send kids back to school after Uvalde shooting. Here’s how experts say to cope. August 23, 2022

As kids head back to school, experts say it's important for parents to address any worries they have about school shootings. (Photo: Getty Creative)

Therapist Syd Miller says those feelings most likely did not disappear over summer vacation. “Parents are terrified by the thought that when they drop off their child at school or put them on the school bus, it might be the last time they ever see their child alive again,” he tells Yahoo Life. Miller says these feelings are real, raw and extremely challenging to process.

So how can parents manage both their own anxieties — and those of their kids — as classrooms begin to reopen for a new school year?


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Univision - Primer Impacto / Skywell Una máquina convierte el aire en agua August 15, 2022

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Elaph.com / Dr. Sargon Lazarof “Diamoneer” for teeth that shine like diamonds August 2, 2022

Sagonia Lazarov, a YouTuber, shows off the Diamoners

Many celebrities resort to expensive and possibly unusual cosmetic surgeries. While Kate Middleton, Victoria Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow are among the famous people who like to use bee venom for the face, their skin usually looks flawless. Others chose snail slips as a common ingredient in many cosmetic procedures. Some specialists claim to be a powerful moisturizer and also have anti-aging properties. It also helps people get rid of hyperpigmentation and impurities. Sounds like a miracle cure, doesn’t it? Anyway – the latest in the world of beauty is diamonds… Women resort to all kinds of treatments that include “diamonds” from facial peeling products to body care products, and now also teeth – to achieve the perfect desired smile. Diamonds may look great on the ring, but they can also make wonders for your skin.


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