Yahoo Lifestyle / Dr. Sharona Dayan 20 Signs of Cancer Usually Ignored by Women September 2, 2020


“A white or red patch that won’t go away–it may be on the tongue, palate, gums, inner cheek or lip–may be a sign of oral cancer,” says Sharona Dayan, MD, board certified periodontist and owner of Aurora Periodontontal Care in Beverly Hills, California. “If it persists for more than three weeks, be sure to see your dentist or physician.”

The Rx: “To catch oral cancer early, be sure to see your dentist twice a year and ask if a routine cancer exam is part of the cleaning visit,” says Dayan.


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Eat This, Not That! / Dr. Sharona Dayan 20 Signs of Cancer Usually Ignored by Women January 24, 2020

woman worry about her teeth and look in the mirror.

“A white or red patch that won’t go away–it may be on the tongue, palate, gums, inner cheek or lip–may be a sign of oral cancer,” says Sharona Dayan, MD, board certified periodontist and owner of Aurora Periodontontal Care in Beverly Hills, California. “If it persists for more than three weeks, be sure to see your dentist or physician.”

The Remedy Rx: “To catch oral cancer early, be sure to see your dentist twice a year and ask if a routine cancer exam is part of the cleaning visit,” says Dayan.


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Eat This, Not That! / Dr. Sharona Dayan 50 Things You Should Never Do at the Doctor’s Office January 10, 2020



“For example, some supplements like garlic, ginger and ginko are blood thinners and can cause excessive bleeding during surgeries. It’s important for the doctor to know everything the patients are taking so they can make appropriate recommendations,” says Dr. Sharona Dayan, DDS, DMSc.

The Remedy Rx: “Prior to your appointment, you should write down all your medications (including dosages) and over the counter supplements so you have that handy for the doctor. Also, it is a good idea to have the doctor’s office send you the health questionnaires so that you can fill them out at home where you have access to all the information and aren’t rushing to get it all done quickly. This will save you time and it will take out the element of guesswork,” says Dayan.


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Woman’s World / Dr. Sharona Dayan Sweet Breath = Better Health January 9, 2020


For centuries, women around the world have snacked on the delectable seeds after a meal to freshen their breath. And research now suggests oils in cardamom might help you live longer too, by quashing up to 54%  of harmful bacteria lurking in the mouth. “When bacteria build up and cause gum disease, inflammation spreads and causes diseases elsewhere,” explains Dr. Sharona Dayan, D.D.S., DMSC, founder of Aurora Periodontal Care. “Antioxidant compounds in cardamom play a role in calming inflammation.”


Read More / Dr. Sharona Dayan 23 Things You’re Doing That Would Horrify Your Dentist October 22, 2019

asian woman sleeping with her mouth open, ways you're damaging teeth

If you’re snoring or breathing through your mouth at night, you’re doing more damage than just drooling on your pillowcase. “Mouth breathing is a daily habit that can wreak havoc on the teeth,” says Sharona Dayan, DDS, DMSc, a board certified periodontist and founder of Aurora Periodontal Care in Beverly Hills. When you breathe through your mouth, she explains, you rapidly dry out your oral tissues, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. The solution? Getting tested for allergies or a deviated septum can help with the anatomical components, while behavioral modification for daytime mouth-breathing can help quell the problem during the day.


Read More / Dr. Sharona Dayan Dentists Say These Are the 10 Worst Foods for Your Teeth September 9, 2019


Some of the items on this list seem innocent enough, but experts say they stain and erode teeth over time. Here’s what you can do to minimize the damage.


Read More / Dr. Sharona Dayan 100 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick August 21, 2019


Your trip home every day is a matter of life and death. You’re dodging other cars. You’re worrying about what to eat. You’re ducking your neighbor, the one with halitosis. When you finally shut your front door, a sense of calm prevails: You made it. You’re home.

But are you safe?

Shocking new research proves there are health dangers lurking in every house, with threats found in your dishwasher, shower, bedroom and more. In fact, there’s not a room untouched by scary substances that might make you sick. The Remedy asked the country’s top researchers for exactly what the issues are and how to solve each problem, so you can be happier, healthier, and safer–where it matters most.


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MSN / Dr. Sharona Dayan 50 Unexpected Health Problems After 50 July 24, 2019

Slide 2 of 51: “One surprising thing that happens after age 50 is that people tend to shrink; both men and women!” says Dr. Monique May, a physician. “As we age, we lose height because the discs between the vertebrae lose their water content and elasticity. In English, that means that the cushions between the bones in the spine get less spongy, lose their shape and become flattened. That causes the spine to shrink and people lose inches in height.”“You can also lose height if the spine starts to curve or if you have a compression fracture (where the bone breaks and collapses on itself) from osteoporosis (age-related bone loss),” she says.The Remedy Rx: “The difference can be several inches from when you were younger,” she says, “so it important that you get your height measured along with your weight when you get your annual physical at your doctor’s office.”

Fifty is the new 40. And since 40 is the new 30, and 30 is the new 20, well–if you’re over 50, you’re basically 21, right?

In all seriousness, we’re glad age is just a number. Except for one thing: No one told your body.

After age 50, unexpected health problems can plague you, and prevent you from having the life you deserve. Unafraid to stare into the abyss, The Remedy asked the world’s top doctors about the most common ailments, and how you can get ahead of them. Read on, and save the surprises for your next birthday party.



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Romper / Dr. Sharona Dayan 17 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Live Longer, Happier & Healthier July 24, 2019

Of course most people want to live a long, healthy life, but what does that even look like on a day-to-day basis? The act of trying to live longer doesn’t have to take over your whole life. In fact, there are plenty of everyday habits that will help you live longer that are super easy. Because some of these tips can literally be accomplished in seconds, there’s every reason to give them a try.

To learn more about the best ways to extend your longevity, Romper spoke with a huge assortment of doctors, nurses, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals, and they had a lot to say about this topic. For the most part, these simple tips are a great way to immediately improve your life as well. Working on your breathing, stress reduction, and sleep hygiene might extend your life over the long term, but they can definitely make the here and now a whole lot more pleasant as well.


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Eat This, Not That! / Dr. Sharona Dayan Unexpected Health Problems After 50: Sleep Disordered Breathing July 9, 2019

Sleep disorder, insomnia. Young blonde woman lying on the bed awake

“As women enter menopause and estrogen levels drop off they may experience unexpected symptoms like fatigue, daytime sleepiness, unexplained weight gain, chronic neck and shoulder pain and grinding of the teeth,” says Dr. Sharona Dayan, DDS, DMSc, a board certified periodontist. “These are all signs and symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing, SDO.”

Here’s what happens when you have SDO: “Estrogen keeps the muscles of the airway tight and as the levels drop off the muscles become looser and the tongue can fall back into the throat blocking oxygen flow. The brain then has an immediate microarousal and signals the body to correct the oxygen situation. These microarousals may not be long enough to wake the person up, but just long enough to go from deep restorative sleep to light unrefreshed sleep.”

You then grind your teeth because it’s your “body’s compensation to open the airway and increase blood flow…that delivers oxygen to the brain.” You might also sleep on your side (causing a stiff neck or shoulder) or undergo chronic stress (from lack of sleep) without even knowing why.

Recommendation: “If a person turns 50 and begins to notice these symptoms it’s time to get the sleep and airway checked out by an airway-focused dentist who can address tongue posturing and tongue space for a multitude of health benefits,” says Dr. Dayan.

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Eat This, Not That! / Dr. Sharona Dayan 70 Things You Should Never Do For Your Health July 3, 2019

70 Things You Should Never Do For Your Health

No one likes being told what not to do. But some rules, when followed, aren’t restrictions at all–they are, in fact, easy and effective ways to stay free. Free from illness. Free from pain. Free from debilitating anxiety, hearing loss, a brain injury or a gruesome cancer.

Sometimes you have to stop doing things in order to do the things you want to do.

With that in mind, we asked the country’s top doctors and specialists to name the #1 things you should never do for your health, and we collected them into this essential list. Read on to discover what not to do. Address them, and then you can be free to just…do you.


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