Beautiful Skin. Don’t we all crave it? Having healthy glowing skin with a satin soft texture and a porcelain-like finish is what we want to see when we look into the mirror. (more…)

By Natayle Henry
It’s seen every day on television, in magazines, and social media–perfect, radiant skin. While there are some elements of photo retouching, exceptional makeup artists and (I’m sure for some) great genes; achieving a healthy, dewy glow is attainable to more than the celebrities gracing our screens, the rich and fabulous and the genetically lucky. The quest to achieve the perfect , radiant glow starts here. (more…)
The Perfect Cleanser by The Perfect Derma is an aloe-based gel that contains azelaic acid and green tea extract and is great for all skin types. 310-982-2777 or
The Perfect Peel Skincare Line
I have been dying to try the Perfect Derma Peel™ and trying to find the time in my busy schedule to squeeze one in. In the meantime, I am getting my fill of daily anti-aging punch with their The Perfect Skin Care System product line.
If you have not heard of the Perfect Derma Peel™, it’s been ranked as one of the Top 3 New Anti Aging Products by ABC News. The Perfect Derma™ Peel provides healthy, ageless skin for all skin types and ethnicities.
It’s the only medical grade chemical peel that features Glutathione. Glutathione is the ultimate antioxidant with powerful skin lightening and anti-aging benefits. Bella Medical Products advocates the practice of less-invasive cosmetic treatments by providing cutting edge products to Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Cosmetic Physicians and other medical professionals. The Perfect Derma™ Peel and The Perfect Skin Care System product line allow us to offer an exciting new future for skin transformation. (more…)
We’re not talking about a Carrie moment, but a full blown Samantha one
Remember that episode of Sex and the City years ago when Samantha decided to get a chemical peel right before having to go to Carrie’s book release party? Her face was all red and burned, so much so that she decided to wear a black veil, which only made her seem like she was attending a funeral instead of a fun, celebratory event. (more…)
In February I talk about The Perfect Derma Peel and the products that they have to help maintain your skin after a peel. I also said that I would be doing one of the peels. I did a few weeks ago, so I wanted to share with you how it went and of course after. I have done masks before on my face but I had never done a chemical facial peel.
I live near Las Vegas so for my peel I went to Beyond Skin Anti-Aging Medical Institute. This isn’t something you do at home, you do need to have it done in a doctor’s office. I didn’t know what to expect, but it was quiet and nice. Lana welcomed myself and my daughter into her office. From start to finish it was about a half hour to 45 mins. A lot of it was talking, preparing and discussing aftercare.
Like most women, I don’t like to take selfies without makeup let alone putting them online for the world to see so please be nice.
Many of us would love to treat our skin to traditional facials thinking that is the best way to keep a youthful appearance. While these kinds of facials help skin they do not offer drastic results and they can be time consuming and costly. For the price of about three facials and a fraction of the time, a medical grade chemical peel like the Perfect Derma Peel is the way to go. I chose the Perfect Derma Peel for several reasons. It is the only medical grade chemical peel with Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant proven to have anti-aging and skin lightening benefits. I have very sensitive skin and this peel works for all skin types and ethnicities. (more…)
Finally get the Complexion you want with Perfect Derma!
The Perfect Derma is a skin care line that focus on products that help you get the perfect complexion you have always wanted. Their products help you maintain beautiful skin, look younger and give your face a glow. (more…)
The Perfect Derma Perfect Cleanser and Mineral Perfection Tinted SPF 30
The Perfect Derma is ranked one of the top three in anti-aging products. Their goal is to make you look and feel like a younger version of you. They promote skin care for all ages and ethnic groups, and have products ranging from facial peels to lotions, body washes and more. (more…)
My friend, Jeannine, stopped by to drop off holiday snacks and I couldn’t believe how great she looked. Had to share her story with my fellow Women-on-the-Edge. (On the edge of what remains elusive): (more…)
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