Want to feel less tense, wherever you are? You can use these six scientifically proven techniques to rewire the body’s stress response
The bonding process begins in the womb. Once born, infants thrive on the voice and touch of a consistent caregiver. So, from the start, stability and security provide an anchor for human growth and development.
As a child, I instinctively knew if something bad happened — anything from catching chicken pox to navigating a personality clash with a classroom teacher — my parents would always be there to support me. I always had family to lean on and a home to escape to when the going got rough. At the time, I had no clue that this stable and loving environment would help shape me into a confident and grounded adult. However, I realize now that I subconsciously paid it forward when it came to raising my own children, providing a cushion when they stumbled and a safe haven filled with unconditional acceptance.
A stable environment provides nurturing caregivers, unconditional love, consistent discipline, and a dependable and safe living space. This secure and protective environment shapes a child’s perspective of himself and the world around him. It is the springboard that sets in motion a path to happiness and overall well-being. It is the bedrock to a child’s future success. (more…)
It’s probably the hardest job you’ll ever have, and there are no vacations or sick days. You’re trying to help another human become a functional member of society, which sounds like a pretty intimidating task. But it’s also incredibly rewarding when you do it well. (more…)
Think of a man’s selfie as a crystal ball into his soul — and a fairly reliable indicator of whether he’s thinking about his abs, friends or settling down and having lots of babies. (more…)
Many times, the chances of success in a company or target are measured with certain qualities in common that successful people often share. Find out if the have, to know what would be your chances of success.
Discover how to stimulate your baby’s language. (more…)
Although much has changed, the idea still persists that men should not appear weak, dependent or sensitive. Forget the stereotypes! Best regards these teachings to educate sons. (more…)
Being a friend to someone with depression can be tricky, and sometimes even just talking with them can be difficult. Of course, that’s not to say you’re having a harder time with their depression than they are, but navigating their mental illness and finding the best ways to help them is a challenge in itself. So how are you supposed to act when your best friend is depressed? (more…)
Many years ago, I used to help out in my daughter’s kindergarten class. I remember one female student who always seemed to be in charge. When the class would break up into groups, this little one would embrace her teacher persona, immediately directing those around her. On the playground, she was always surrounded by her peers who were invariably hanging on her every word.
It’s Not You, It’s Him: How To Avoid Being Replaced
Relationships are like any other sort of partnership – if both sides are not pulling their weight, one partner may re-assess whether they are with the right partner. (more…)
Dr. Gail Gross discusses Toxic Friendships in Jewish Press.
Read More: (more…)
Jennifer Leslie was always the tallest kid in her class, but also the heaviest. She was never an unhealthy eater, but was constantly ridiculed for her size. (more…)

When it comes to judging emotional states, the obvious best judges may not be.
“I’m never going anywhere ever again!” my 10-year-old screams as I try to get her out the door for swim practice. She’s bitter that I’ve asked her to put down her iPad, but her teenage-style angst has led me to believe that youngsters take to hyperbole like celebs to silicone. (more…)
Sibling relationships are tough, and spats between brothers and sisters can be especially epic. If it’s not about who has the purple cup, it’s about who has the most pterodactyl-shaped chicken nuggets. Or it’s about who gets more time in the bathroom, or which show to watch. (more…)
Most people hitting the road this holiday season will be heading to family gatherings. Which means that, for many, time away from home won’t feel much like a vacation. According to an American Psychological Association poll, 1 in every 4 adults reports feeling “extreme stress” during the holidays. (more…)
When children display aggressive behavior, it can be both alarming and challenging for parents, teachers, and other caregivers. But children aren’t born aggressive; these behaviors come from a variety of external causes. (more…)

Mission: Accomplished
Don’t get in the way of a parent looking to get a hot holiday gift for their kid. (more…)
The holidays are often idealized through images of cheerful meals set around cozy dinner tables, families nestled in their living rooms enjoying cocoa and loved ones with wide smiles exchanging gifts. Reality, however, may be much different than the Hallmark versions of the season, when your nearest and dearest, with their various and sometimes conflicting personalities, gather for your annual family get-together. (more…)
Expert shares tips on turning four uncomfortable situations into teachable parenting moments.
There’s more to the season than 60 seconds of frantic wrapping-paper ripping. These expert tips and proven family favorites will take your holiday cheer to a new, more meaningful level. (more…)
In the first six months of 2015 Australians were fleeced of $45 million. The loss raises questions about how you avoid being scammed and the secret could be to get grumpy. (more…)
Keep Your Girlfriend Close, But Your Enemies Closer: 13 Ways Relationships Are Like Business

Consider these keys to help you manage whining.
By: Cintia Saporito
Even if you already speak with ease, to some crying children, the first response to any situation is tiny whining. As much as we try to satisfy them, they always seem to find reasons to turn to tears. Do you feel that your patience has become exhausted? It is time to help them to overcome the permanent ‘whining’. (more…)
A smaller, back to school can cause them feelings. While they may appear very happy about it one day, the next they might express anxiety, fear or insecurity. These key points and make more bearable adaptation to the routine. (more…)
What mother has not ever felt mad by the noise at home? Let’s face it: teenage children, our children are usually screaming. They talk loudly, yelling while playing stick, put loud music, use the TV in the background and they even love banging around. How we’d love to appreciate silence. It’s time to teach their value. (more…)
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Pedophile preacher Josh Duggar admits to cheating on his wife after the Ashley Madison hack revealed he had two paid accounts. Duggar and his wife, Anna, were married in 2008 and have four children. (more…)
Not everyone agrees with the tough trophy love doled out in James Harrison’s house.
The Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker posted on Instagram saying he was taking away his kids’ participation trophies because he wants them to “EARN a real trophy.” (more…)
Soccer legend David Beckham defended his daughter Harper after a Daily Mail article published photos of the four-year-old with a pacifier in her mouth. The Mail’s speculated that the child would suffer in “speech” or have “dental issues.” (more…)
Do you want your baby to grow to be a successful college? Start now!
We live in a hypercompetitive world, and as moms who want the best for our children, it is essential that, from young, we teach the tools that could help them succeed in the future. Do you dream that your little one can stand out in the college day? We tell you what early stimulation exercises that could help realize their potential are. (more…)
A mom posts a video online blasting her teen daughter for posting racy photos to Facebook. Another mom takes advantage of a barber shop offering to give her son an “old man haircut” to teach him a lesson, then shares the photos on social media. These parents’ online child shaming acts are far from rare. Just search “child-shaming video” on YouTube, and you will find more than 30,000 matches. (more…)

If you’re worried what to do about those 2-year-old tantrums (or 3-year-old tantrums, and so on), you’re not alone. Many parents find themselves at the mercy of their child’s screams when they’ve said “no” to a plea for a toy or snack. Usually these stormy scenes play out in a public place. While passersby stare in judgment, you want to hide in a hole. (more…)
Excessively complacent
Apparently, people who indulge others chronic way, tend more to depression, as the site of the State University of Michigan , USA But why? (more…)
Different Parenting Styles
When you’re a parent, there will be times when you wonder if you’re handling a situation in the right way, and there will be times when you’re so frustrated you could scream.
Divorce can be hard on all of the parties involved, especially children. Separated and divorced parents will still need to communicate in order to make decisions about their kids. While it can be challenging to have a neutral relationship with an ex, it’s important to try and separate those feelings from your parenting duties.
Empathy typically isn’t a trait that springs to mind when you think of professional relationships. But Gail Gross, Ph.D., a family, relationship and child development expert and the host of the PBS radio show Let’s Talk, says empathy is the most important characteristic for relationships, whether at work or with family members or friends. (more…)
Parents can count on the Pixar animation film “Inside Out” to be an original, heartfelt story about the process of growing up and learning how to handle your biggest emotions.
The film is shot from the POV of 11-year-old Riley’s (Kaitlyn Dias) mind. Baby Riley is born to her loving parents, so is her first emotion, Joy (Amy Poehler), who’s soon joined by Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Anger (Lewis Black), Fear (Bill Hader), and Disgust (Mindy Kaling). The quintet live and work in Headquarters (aka HQ), the part of Riley’s brain that experiences feelings and makes memories. (more…)
Thinkstock LLC / Picture Quest
Raising an Only Child Presents some Challenges; Learn How to Overcome Them!
Raising an only child brings several questions and challenges: how much pay attention? How to avoid being spoiled? And if you feel alone? Czech useful suggestions from three specialists in the field. (more…)
Inside Out has officially become Pixar’s most successful original film — Click Photo to View Trailer
How many basic emotions really exist? Can memories or personality islands ever disappear? What should be in a sequel? THR highlights the basic psychological lessons to learn from the Pixar hit. The animated blockbuster goes into the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) as she moves across the country with her family — and her emotions: Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black) and Disgust (Mindy Kaling).
When your folks announce plans for a family summer vacation, mixed emotions are bound to arise. There’s excitement for a change of scenery and bonding with seldom-seen siblings — plus, there’s a lot to be said for a trip that you most likely don’t have to plan or fully finance on your own. However, for every unique travel tradition or activity that you look forward to with your clan, there are likely a few drawbacks. (more…)
It’s like a recurring nightmare: I wake up at five o’clock, make a cup of tea, and turn on the early morning news to find that someone who looks just like me has been murdered or brutalized. Then, somehow, after about an hour of staring at report after report, I get dressed for work and go on with my day like my heart isn’t aching.
We’ve all been there: You’re out in public when your toddler decides to throw an epic tantrum. You try everything in your parenting bag of tricks to calm him down, but nothing’s working. At a loss, you hand him your iPhone. He’s immediately quieted, mesmerized by the shiny display of dancing cartoon characters on the screen. Yes, electronics are the often easiest and most convenient way to keep little ones entertained. However, too much screentime can be detrimental to a child’s growth and development. If you want to combat your tot’s obsession with electronics, you’ll need an arsenal of screen-free, boredom-busting, kid-friendly games. (more…)
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