
Heroin Overdoses Emerging Again As Major Public Health Crisis

Drug classes seem to go in cycles of popularity. The 1980s were a decade of cocaine abuse with heroin being a dirty distant reminder of the 1960s and 1970s. London in the 1960s was awash in heroin addicts. Marijuana has steadily remained a visible milder drug of choice, now legally available in 20 states, though most require doctor exams and evaluations. But of late, heroin has made a dramatic popularity comeback.


Heroin Overdoses Emerging Again As Major Public Health Crisis


MYFOXLA reporter Phil Shuman interviewed the highly respected addiction expert  Dr. A.R. Mohammad of Inspire Malibu rehabilitation center to explain the ramifications of Attorney General Eric Holder’s alarming ” public health crisis ” warning concerning heroin overdoses, and the call to have on hand drugs that counteract opiates like heroin to save lives.

FOXLA interviews a patient named Ryan, drinking since he was 12 years old, adding pot and various drugs until his first hit of heroin was nirvana for him. At the age of 22, he is now under the care of Dr. Mohammad at Inspire Malibu’s residential treatment center in the canyons above the city dubbed “the rehab Riviera.”

Heroin, like crystal meth, can literally “rewire” the brain so treating this addiction is a lifelong effort.

Reporter Phil Shuman finds out that Ryan stole from his family and friends to feed his habit, even taking the harder to obtain 30 dollar per pill Oxycontins, three times the price of a comparable bag of heroin.

Dr. Mohammad explains that this vicious cycle of dependency, quitting, relapsing, trying something new and different, and partly explains why 80 percent of those who try to kick opiates relapse within a year.

The recent death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has sobered many people up to the lethal nature of their drug dabbling.

Unlike more expensive rehabs, Dr. A.R. Mohammed takes on sacred cows of addiction therapy like 12 step AA talk therapies and “feel good” outdoor hikes and equine therapies that look pretty in brochures, but do nothing in the long-term to keep a diseased addicted patient from relapsing.

Dr. Mohammad’s approach works with health insurance for a residential treatment program, combines intense personal, group, and family therapy with medication (Suboxone).  Dr. Mohammad says, “About 17 states and the District of Columbia allow naloxone, or Narcan as it known, to be distributed to the public to reverse heroin overdoses and save lives.”

The attorney general’s public support for an antidote that could be used to rescue overdosing drug users mirrors the position of the White House drug policy office, which has also urged all first responders to have the medication on hand.

“Addiction to heroin and other opiates, including certain prescription pain-killers, is impacting the lives of Americans in every state, in every region, and from every background and walk of life — and all too often, with deadly results,” Holder said in the message.

Dr. Mohammad says that Narcan will save lives if administered within a certain window. But critics fear that making the antidote too accessible could encourage drug use.



Original Article

Dr. A R Mohammad

How to Organize Your Makeup like a Pro

How to Organize Your Makeup like a Pro

Tips for organizing your makeup like a professional makeup artist
By Carla Snuggs

Staying on top of cosmetic clutter will help you save precious time in the AM when you are jamming to get on with the day. Keeping your makeup organized will also help avoid minor freak outs when you are making your face up for a hot date looking for your no-fail sexy bronze shadow! So to find out how to organize our makeup like a pro, we went straight to a pro: Melanie Mills!

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Tips to Break Out of a Beauty Rut

Tips to Break Out of a Beauty Rut

There’s nothing like cold weather to put us in a beauty rut. Luckily, spring is almost here, so it’s time to shake things up a bit. If you’re having a hard time changing up your look, try these tips.

Stay on Point
Focus on one aspect of your beauty routine that you’d like to change. “We’re heading into spring trends, so opt out for brighter colors. Bright orange lips are trending for Spring 2014. If the bright orange scares you, mix it with your favorite nude lipstick to lighten it a tad,” says celebrity makeup artist Elaina Badro. It’s a great way to transition yourself into brighter colors that you wouldn’t typically wear.

Brighten Your Look
“I love creamy cheeks. Find a good cream blush to apply. Not too much, just enough to give that natural flushed glow that looks effortless,” says  makeup artist Melanie Mills. If cream blush scares you, try it on your days off until you get the feel and how to manipulate it to your liking. It’s a pretty look that takes years off a face, too.

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Spring is just around the corner

Spring is just around the corner

I keep getting press releases saying Spring is just around the corner, which is kinda sorta a lie? but it makes me feel less bad about waxing lyrical about my recent 7 days in Miami, where I felt sun on my sad, pale body and where I fell in love with this incroyable body glow product that I so badly needed to blend in with the locals.

If you are naturally on the paler side, you know the pain of body bronzing: often streaky, always smelly, disappointingly faux and rarely your friend.  I literally never turn down a sample offer for body bronzing products because you never know – I forever hold out for that holy grail of glow. Bring me your strippers, your drag artistes, your “celebrity” “stylist” what-have-yous … if you invent a bronzer, I will try it.

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The Procrastinator’s Guide to Anti-Aging

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Anti-Aging

You know the feeling: You wake up one day, look in the mirror and — wham! — the signs of aging are suddenly everywhere. Those fine lines around your eyes. The loose skin along your jawline. The dark spots on your cheeks — and even on your hands. Before this moment, you spent more time picking out nail polish colors than thinking about an anti-aging skin care regimen. Oh, sure, you moisturize and wear sunscreen. But at a certain point in your skin’s aging process, your minimalist approach isn’t enough. And it shows.

The good news? You can make up for lost time if you get serious about an anti-aging regimen now. New Orleans dermatologist Mary Lupo, M.D., Esteé Lauder makeup artist Blair Patterson and Emmy Award-winning makeup artist Melanie Mills weigh in on the most common signs of aging with quick fixes and long-term solutions to curbing those tell-tale signs of aging.

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Dr. Jason Levine on KFWB Discussing E-Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation

Dr. Jason Levine on KFWB Discussing E-Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation expert, Dr. Jason Levine was invited to come on to KFWB Radio’s morning drive time show with Phil Hulett and Penny Griego to discuss the potential banning of e-cigarettes in public places by the City of Los Angeles. The concerns for people inhaling vaped nicotine are discussed, as are the trends of very young people vaping e-cigarettes when they didn’t smoke cigarettes prior. This is a must listen interview for anyone who is considering e-cigarettes as wall as for parents concerned for their young children. Dr. Levine uses the “gold standard” in smoking cessation treatments in his practice.

Dr. Jason Levine is the Executive Director of The Source for Health & Wellness Treatment Center located in W-LA, a premier smoking cessation treatment center.

Are Brazilian butt lifts the new boob job?

Are Brazilian butt lifts the new boob job?

Are butt lifts the new boob job? Are you sitting on your assets?

A 58% spike in the number of buttock enhancements in the past year prompted some to wonder if butt lifts are the new boob job

Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami, says that celebrities with voluptuous backsides are inspiring this trend. The procedure, known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, takes fat from unwanted areas and transfers it to the buttocks, where it is then shaped and molded to perfection. A recent study done by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) revealed that the procedure is so popular that 11% more plastic surgeons over last year have begun offering it on their list of services.

Kim Kardashian’s famed booty is said to have help fuel the trend.

“Buttocks simply were an after-thought in the early days of body sculpting. At most, middle-aged women might ask for a lift if their buttocks had begun to sag,” Mendieta tells CelebZter. “If anything, the emphasis was on trying to minimize the hips to achieve a more ‘modern,’ fashion model-like figure with flattened buttocks. But now with celebrities like J.Lo and Kim Kardashian, the notions of beauty have shifted to a more rounded and fuller pro-portion.”

Hoffman’s Autopsy Report – Medical Expert Weighs In

Hoffman’s Autopsy Report – Medical Expert Weighs In

Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an overdose of overdose of both uppers and downers, including heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and benzodiazepines, the New York medical examiner concluded Friday. Nationally recognized addiction expert Dr. A. R. Mohammad, M.D., says this scenario is all too common among heroin addicts who try to “manage” their highs.

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