
This Is Why We Default To Criticism (And How To Change)


Our brains and workplace culture have evolved to make criticism easier than constructive feedback, but we can take steps to change.

Tim Cole, now founder and CEO of The Compass Alliance, used to hear criticism like this regularly in a previous work environment. Tasked with taking over a department he admits had a “septic culture,” Cole stepped into a quagmire of low morale. There was legitimate debate on shutting the operation down,” he explains, “despite the contribution to profitability.”

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Can Instagram Land You a Job?

Woman Instagram Social Media People Cellphone Girl

Social media has significantly changed the recruiting world.

While it’s OK to post fun photos that don’t relate to your career, remember, in some industries, especially creative fields and the visual arts, including journalism, copywriting, photography, design, advertising, and marketing, Instagram is an ideal platform to present your work. The next time you post, remember: recruiters are using Instagram to locate potential candidates.

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Lead and Pregnancy – Cause for Concern?


Avoiding lead is not always that easy. Even if you don’t have a job in construction or plumbing, you may still come across lead in the paint and dust in older homes, and in everyday items such as candy and make-up, as well as soil and tap water. If you’re trying to conceive or already pregnant, it helps to know if lead is an issue of concern.

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Bye-Bye Mom Bod


If I had a quarter for every time I heard a mom say having kids “ruined” her body, I would be filthy rich. While some women wear their stretch marks and crepe paper skin proudly, plenty of women would prefer to have their old bodies back. And for some, no amount of exercise or toning exercises can lift and tighten sagging breasts and bellies or eliminate stubborn pockets of fat.

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