
Medical Marijuana Alleviating Opiate Crisis Comes With Big Caution According To Expert

pot use

New England is facing a heroin crisis fueled by a cheap supply of opiates entering ports in the Northeastern part of the U.S.

Indeed, the governor of Vermont — a state known more for being the home of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and maple syrup rather than smack — recently devoted his entire state-of-the-state address to what he called his state’s heroin epidemic. Continue reading

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Big Butts Baroque: Sir Mix-A-Lot’s Seattle Jam VIDEO

Butts and big booty are still the rage, and we can all thank visionaries like board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta of Miami, Florida, author of “The Art of Gluteal Sculpting” and go-to medical expert for VICE on the explosion of illegal butt injections, who has been at the forefront of helping American women change the focus of mens’ sexual desire from boobs to bums. Continue reading

How Worried Should We Be? The Details On Measles, Mers & Whooping Cough

With the recent US outbreaks of Measles, Whooping Cough and Mers – should we be worried? Internal medicine specialist and UCLA School of Medicine professor Doctor Farhad Melamed joined us to answer questions around the diseases and if we should all be seriously concerned.

Beverly Hills Internal Medicine





This segment aired on the KTLA Morning News on Sunday, June 1 2014


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Four Cereal Picks For Kids Picked By Top Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Kai Nishi of The Khalili Center

The recent news about sugar consumption with children via breakfast cereal is so alarming that it sounded a wake up call with medical professionals, academics, nutritionists and parents last week.

Imagine putting 10 one-pound bags of sugar in front of your child and then asking them to eat that. They do this annually if you read the average statistics for kids in the USA. Continue reading

Secrets of an Audiobook Narrator

I am so excited today to share with you all an interview I had with Renee Raudman, who is actually an audiobook narrator! I’ve never really thought about who the people behind the voice narrating audiobooks actually are, so it was fun seeing things from her point of view! So without further ado…

Describe your experience as an audio book narrator in three words.
(TAH is a word! Sorta.  Found it in the medical dictionary.).