
New Cellulaze Treatment Proves Effective Against Cellulite

May 7, 2012

New Cellulaze Treatment Proves Effective Against Cellulite

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) — It’s been called “cottage cheese skin,” and “the orange peel syndrome.” Cellulite is a condition that has women hiding under their clothes or their beach towels.

But now, a new technology can permanently reduce cellulite by 50 to 70 percent.

It’s called Cellulaze, and it’s an FDA-approved surgical laser therapy that attacks the structure of cellulite.

Doctors conduct the procedure under local anesthesia in one to two hours. It costs between $5,000 and $7,000.

“Nothing really gets rid of cellulite 100 percent,” Dr. Nicholas Nikolov says. “However, with Cellulase, we can improve cellulite by 50-70 percent depending on the cause and the amount of cellulite. And this is permanent; it’s not a temporary treatment.”

“Some of the results you see immediately,” Nikolov says. “Two months later, you see a bigger improvement. But the final improvement is finalized after about two years.”

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More about Dr. Nikolov

Sleeping Without The Pills

May 7, 20121

Sleeping Without The Pills


At first I was curious why Mary, a lovely lady in her early 60s, had come to see me. She described her problem as “being sleepy all the time.” As an internist practicing addiction medicine for the past 24 years, I have become sensitive to the significance of sleep disturbances and what they might represent (substance abuse) as well as the importance of a good night’s sleep to eliminate anxiety.

After interviewing her, my concern was justified: Mary had addictive disease as well. She was abusing Ambien, a prescription sedative for the short-term treatment of insomnia. She didn’t remember exactly when she first began taking it, but recalls why: her 401k had taken a huge hit at the outset of the Wall Street crisis several years ago. She suspected she had “a problem” when she failed to recall a very long and detailed phone conversation with her sister about their upcoming vacation together.

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Re-Examining Whitney Houston’s Battles With Substance Abuse In Light Of Bobby Brown’s ‘Today’ Interview

May 3, 2012

Re-Examining Whitney Houston’s Battles With Substance Abuse In Light Of Bobby Brown’s ‘Today’ Interview


Yesterday, we wrote in detail about Bobby Brown’s first interview since the death of his ex-wife Whitney Houston.

The interview aired this morning on ‘Today’, with Bobby telling Matt Lauer that he wasn’t to blame for the singer’s early demise, and that he didn’t get her hooked on drugs.

When Matt asked him if Whitney was the victim and if he was behind her drug use, Bobby said: “No, that’s not true. I didn’t get high before I met Whitney. No, I- I — I smoked weed, I drank the beer, but no, I wasn’t the one that got Whitney on drugs at all.”

And he added that Whitney was dabbling in illegal substances “way, way before,” they got together.

We spoke to Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, to get his perspective on Bobby’s claims, and why, after several trips to rehab, Whitney still continued to dabble in illegal drugs.

Here’s out interview with him…

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Addiction expert weighs in on surge in babies born with drug issues

May 2, 2012

Addiction expert weighs in on surge in babies born with drug issues

A new study published today in JAMA  (Journal of American Medical Assoc.) reveals that the number of babies addicted to drugs – and who must experience withdrawal – tripled in the last decade. reports that physician-prescribed painkillers like Oxycotin and Vicodin are largely responsible.

“Our country is being flooded by a tidal wave of painkillers being prescribed by well-meaning but essentially clueless physicians who don’t think about where these pills end up down the pipeline,” says Robert Waldman, M.D., an addictionmedicine specialist with 25 years experience and a member of the detox team at famed Cliffside Malibu treatment center in Los Angeles (  “The tragedy of this study is that these infantaddictions could have been largely prevented if we had a better control on how prescription painkillers are distributed.”

In fact, more than 15 million people in the United States are abusing prescription drugs, which is more than the combined number of people abusing cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, and heroin. Accidental deaths associated with prescription drug abuse outnumber overdose deaths from heroin and cocaine combined. (source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University)

Dr. Waldman adds, “Prescription pills and pregnancy have an especially insidious relationship.  Because they’re doctor-prescribed, painkillers lull the user into thinking that they must be safe. Based on my own experience in emergency room critical care, I think most of the mothers identified in the study are average working women whom you’re more likely find living next door to you than encounter in some dark alley.”

More about Cliffside Malibu

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Anderson examines butt enhancement plastic surgery

May 1, 2012

Anderson examines butt enhancement plastic surgery, April 30

Anderson Cooper covered plastic surgery today on his chat sow “Anderson,” and delved into the white hot trend of butt enhancements.

On Monday, April 30, 2012, Anderson hosted several women who each had some sort of procedure, and explained why they elected it. He then spoke to the doctors who each did the procedures.

Guest Brandi discussed the many plastic surgery procedures she went through in order to look more like Carmen Electra. Brandi told Anderson, “I’ve had rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and liposuction.”

When Anderson asked why she wants to look like someone else, Brandi replied, “Let’s put it to you this way, Carmen Electra was my idol. Look at her, she’s beautiful.”

Next guest Ana was inspired by Jennifer Lopez’s rear end, and had a lipo-sculpture procedure done by Miami plastic surgeonDr. Constantino Mendieta. She had the fat from her waist transferred to her bottom, and said she did it because she was 45 years-old and no matter how much she exercised, was not losing any more weight.

She said, “I do still have my Latin curves, to which I’m very proud of.”

Dr. Mendieta is widely coinsidered to be the preeminent doctor for gluteal sculpting, and has worked on some of the most famous rear ends of A-List Hollywood.

He urged all those considering the procedure to make sure to select a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

More about Dr. Constantino Mendieta

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Halle Berry and Daniel Craig made it from the streets to stardom, but not all stories have Hollywood endings

April 26, 2012

Halle Berry and Daniel Craig made it from the streets to stardom, but not all stories have Hollywood endings

With big dreams of becoming a famous actor, a 20-year-old struggling male model moved to Hollywood from his small Midwest hometown in 2005. Without a penny to his name, and unable to find work, he was soon evicted from his L.A. apartment, and found himself one of Hollywood’s thousands of homeless.

“I don’t have wealthy parents, and they couldn’t help me. Either I sleep on the streets or I move home. Amazing what you will do to be an actor,” he told’s Pop Tarts column. “The best place was sleeping at the 7-11 in Hollywood until I figured out a way to get on my feet. I still made auditions, and no one had any clue I was homeless. It was hard to find places to clean up, but I got by.”

After six months on the streets, he got his big break: a role in an independent film. Making more friends and contacts in the industry, he also managed to find a couch to sleep on, and continued to score more work. Today, the actor boasts credits including a successful network sitcom and a role in one of the biggest super hero film franchises in history.

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