
Revealed: Why Society Is Abusing Prescription Drugs More Than Ever

April 24, 2012

Revealed: Why Society Is Abusing Prescription Drugs More Than Ever

We constantly read about one star after another checking into rehab for a whole host of problems. Often, it’s attributed to “exhaustion” for media press release purposes.

But it’s not just stars who are falling by the wayside. The public as a whole, has started to use prescription drugs as their clutch to get them through whatever curveballs life throws at them.

We spoke to Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu about the rise and rise of prescription drug abuse in society.Here is our interview with him….

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Trend Alert: Move Over Ladies, Men Are Now Queuing Up To Get Lipo

April 23, 2012

Trend Alert: Move Over Ladies, Men Are Now Queuing Up To Get Lipo

It’s been known as the fool-proof formula for women to remove unwanted cellulite and erase any perfections that come to light in the bikini season. And liposuction is also regularly used as a method for women to reshape their bodies.

But in an exclusive interview with Los Angeles based plastic surgeon Dr. Aaron Rollins from Elite Body Sculpture , it appears that many A-list actors are now following the ladies lead in their desire for big screen perfection.

Plus, he reveals what’s hot and what’s not in cosmetic procedures. Here is our interview with him…




Celebzter: Most of Hollywood’s leading ladies have had lipo, correct?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes, lipo is very common in the industry and even more common amongst the stars that say they “have never had anything done”…

Celebzter: When did lipo amongst the elite, really become huge?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Lipo has become increasingly popular as the technology has improved.  Once the Smart Lipo laser came out lipo became very commonplace and it seems to just get more popular every year.

Celebzter: What are the differences between good and bad lipo? Is it evident?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Good lipo is art.  It’s very easy to do and very hard to do well.  I believe that one doesn’t even get very good until they have done about 2000 patients.  Good lipo shouldn’t look like “lipo”,  it should just look like the person was built that way.  Good lipo looks natural with no perceptible scars.  Moreover, good lipo is safe and done without general anesthesia using the most advanced equipment.

Bad lipo is Tara Reid.  Over-suctioning , chunks, ripples, grooves and a donut around the belly button… that’s my pet peeve.  I see it almost every day in consultations and fixing bad lipo makes up a good portion of my job

Celebzter: How much does a procedure cost, and how long is the recovery time?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: With our technique wide-awake lipo using the Laser NIL, recovery time is around 48 hours or less.  Many people go back to work the next day and most people return to the gym or regular activities in a week.

Every procedure is different and different body areas are different prices.  However, our average price for a complete procedure with multiple areas is about $4,500

Celebzter: Are people getting lipo at a younger age now? What is the youngest patient you have had come through your doors?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: I have noticed that patients are getting younger we have many patients that are just graduating from college ( or occasionally high school) who want to fix a few problem areas before entering the work force.  The youngest patients that we’ve had are 18.

Celebzter: When, in your opinion are you too young to get it?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: We strongly believe that patients need to be at least 18

Celebzter: Are men now lining up to get lipo?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes, almost half of our patients are men

Celebzter: When did the trend amongst men start?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: About three years ago lipo for men became very popular.

Celebzter: Have some famous male stars undergone the treatment?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Yes…;)  but a good doctor doesnt lipo and tell

Celebzter: Why do you think men are now turning towards cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Aaron Rollins:I think there is more pressure for men to look good and look fit.  Many men get lipo before looking for a new job or if they are promoted  so they can “look the part”

Celebzter: There was a recent article about chin surgery? Why has that trend developed? And how many people do you have come through your door wanting it?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: Chin lipo is actually my absolute favorite procedure to do.  We do about 50% of all our patients chins. It’s a simple 20 minute procedure and it’s the best ‘bang for your lipo buck’.

The results are amazing, by taking out a few tablespoons of fat from under the jaw makes anyone look significantly better and younger.  It’s incredible what a change it makes in my patients’ self confidence…

Celebzter: What are the hottest trends in cosmetic enhancements at the moment?

Dr. Aaron Rollins: The Brazilian Butt lift is very hot right now and I get requests for it from all over the country every day.  The Chin is also popular right now because Clay Aiken admitted to having it done.

More about Dr. Aaron Rollins and Elite Body Sculpture

Original Article

Plastic surgery increasingly is a couples activity

April 15, 2012

Plastic surgery increasingly is a couples activity


By Susan Carpenter

la-la-ig-0414-plastic-surgery-referWhen Margaret first met her boyfriend, she weighed 105 pounds and wore short crop tops. But after 13 years together, the 55-year-old retiree from Torrance developed a “muffin top” that she just couldn’t eliminate.

So she did what so many other women do to get their bodies back: She had lipoplasty on her waist, hips and upper and lower abdomen in September. One week later, her boyfriend had lipoplasty for himself.

“He hadn’t thought about getting anything done, but after hearing how I would look afterward, he decided he should probably go ahead and have a little something done too,” said Margaret, who asked that her last name not be used for privacy reasons.

The couple represents a growing trend. Although neither the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery nor the American Society of Plastic Surgeons keeps statistics, representatives for both groups say there is anecdotal evidence that more couples are having cosmetic surgery together.

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Exclusive Interview With Dr Constantino Mendieta, The Who Can Help You Get Pippa Middleton’s Butt

April 11, 2012

Exclusive Interview With Dr Constantino Mendieta, The Who Can Help You Get Pippa Middleton’s Butt


A few days ago, an American mom-of-two revealed how she spent $10,000 to get Pippa Middleton’s butt.

Jill Fizgerald (pictured above) said: “When I saw how men all over the community reacted with desire for Pippa’s shapes, I established to take serious measures.”

She began studying techniques online and discovered physician Dr. Constantino Mendieta who provided the “Pippa Buttocks Lift” for $10,000.

And the 43-year-old was thrilled with the results, saying: “Everything just fitted much better, in a charming way, like Pippa’s bridesmaid’s outfit did on her.”

We spoke exclusively to Dr. Constantino Mendieta about this rear-end trend, and he tells us that actually, the interest in Pippa has been pipped by the likes of Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian.

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‘Entertainment Tonight’ features ‘Best Seat in the House’ Dr. Mendieta

April 10, 2012

‘Entertainment Tonight’ features ‘Best Seat in the House’ Dr. Mendieta

Bootylicious behinds like Pippa Middleton and Kim Kardashian have overtaken the breast fixation of the USA.

In the eloquent argument by HBO’s Kenny Powers of “Eastbound & Down,” the rebounding baseballer waxes on the physical female attributes, “It’s no mystery that ass has always been tits’ greatest enemy. It’s almost like a Muslim-Jewish thing, but with tits and ass.”

So much so that Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a Miami-based physician raised in Los Angeles, has never been busier with his perfeced gluteal sculpting techniques that use a person’s own fat, removed from unwanted areas and refined and injected to create a perfect sweetheart bum.

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Pippa Middleton’s butt still popular in Miami

April 10, 2012

Pippa Middleton’s butt still popular in Miami

Pippa Middleton’s bum is still making headlines.

UK paper reports one Miami, Florida resident went to see the city’s famous Butt surgeon, Dr. Constantino Mendieta. After watching the Royal Wedding on TV, Jenny Fizgerald wanted the Pippa Middleton butt.   ‘When I saw Pippa in that dress, I knew I wanted what she had’. Dr. Mendieta is renowned for his exceptional body sculpting skills based on his industry text, The Art of Gluteal Sculpting. Read our interview with Dr. Mendieta hereDr. Mendieta recently worked with Jenny, who elected his popular $13,000 (not $10,000 as reported by the Mail) ‘Pippa butt lift’

Jenny was sold on the testimonials to Dr. Mendieta’s procedure of using one’s own fat redistributed where it needs to go.  Usually abdominal fat is used for grafting to the buttocks.

The unique procedure creates dramatic and proportionally beautiful results.

Dr. Mendieta is also in production filming a reality series with 44 Blue (Pit Bulls & Parolees) based on the busy office and his family life.


Original Article

More about Constantino Mendieta

“I paid £6k for Pippa’s bum and bagged my own Prince Charming”: Single mum finds love after butt boosting surgery

April 9, 2012

“I paid £6k for Pippa’s bum and bagged my own Prince Charming”: Single mum finds love after butt boosting surgery

A single mum-of-two splashed out £6,000 for a bum like Pippa Middleton’s – and her boosted behind helped her bag her own Prince Charming.

Unlucky-in-love Jenny Fizgerald, 43, worried her rear was too flat and feared men would never look at her again six years after her divorce.

But after spotting Pippa’s perfect bum while watching the Royal Wedding, she decided to go under the knife.

Jenny, from Miami, Florida, said: “When I saw how men around the world responded with adoration for Pippa’s curves, I decided to take drastic action.”

“I didn’t want a huge bum – I wanted one that was pert and elegant like Pippa’s. When I saw her in that dress on TV, I knew I wanted what she had. I’d always hated my shape, especially after having two kids, and it left me feeling terrible about myself. I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. It was hard to meet men because I didn’t think I looked nice. I was scared about what would happen if they ever saw me without my clothes on.”

After researching cosmetic procedures on the internet, she discovered Dr Constantino Mendieta MD

who offered the “Pippa Butt Lift” for £6,000, and began saving.


Jenny, who runs a clothing line, met with the surgeon in May last year and decided on a procedure where fat would be extracted from one part of her body and injected into her bum, to make it more pert.

The slim size four mum was even ordered to bulk up before the procedure – meaning she had to gorge on chocolate, ice cream and crisps.

She said: “It was amazing. I got to eat all my favourites and could gain weight without feeling guilty.

“It was all going towards giving me the perfect shape I longed for.”

After two months, Jenny had built up enough fat had built up in her stomach and hips to go under the knife, having fat sucked from her wobbly bits and put into her backside.

She dropped two dress sizes in the procedure – from size four to size two- and found clothes were tight on her new bum, while fitting perfectly on her newly-shaped waist.

“Everything just fitted much better, in a lovely way, like Pippa’s bridesmaid’s dress did on her,” said Jenny.

“I bought new-styles for my wardrobe which I’d always dreamed of wearing but never dared to before because they didn’t fit me properly.

“It was like a dream come true. I love my new body and just like Pippa I get loads more attention from men.

“Now I am full of confidence.”

With a bum fit for a fairytale wedding, three months later Jenny found love again with her own Prince Charming.

The pretty brunette is now engaged to boyfriend Carlos, 42, who owns a heavy machinery firm, and credits her pert behind for cupid striking.

She added: “I know my new bum made this happen. I finally feel great and sexy about myself.

“And I know Carlos loves it too – he’s always staring.”

Carlos said: “Her bottom is why I noticed her in the first place. Without it we might never have spoken.”

Original Article

More about Dr. Constantino Mendieta

Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer

April 3, 2012

Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer

Cellulite is a problem that affects 85% of women (and a respectable percentage of men too) over the age of 20.

But until now, cellulite was treated mainly with topical creams, exercise and intensive rolling massage techniques. Even advanced Lipo procedures were largely ineffective because of the fibrous nature of cellulite fat cells.


Not just cellulite, but fat deposits on chins, arms, thighs and tummies that are resistant to exercise are bedeviling to many people who are within normal weight ranges.

But there are fantastic affordable breakthroughs in deep penetrating lasers, sound waves and new Lipo techniques that stimulate fat cells to spill their contents out and either melt away (via a suctioning cannula) or be excreted through the body’s natural elimination process.There is even a breakthrough skin firming and perfecting body makeup that creates a perfect canvas of skin topically to further boost confidence.


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Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer

April 3, 2012

Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer

Cellulite is a problem that affects 85% of women (and a respectable percentage of men too) over the age of 20.

But until now, cellulite was treated mainly with topical creams, exercise and intensive rolling massage techniques. Even advanced Lipo procedures were largely ineffective because of the fibrous nature of cellulite fat cells.


Not just cellulite, but fat deposits on chins, arms, thighs and tummies that are resistant to exercise are bedeviling to many people who are within normal weight ranges.

But there are fantastic affordable breakthroughs in deep penetrating lasers, sound waves and new Lipo techniques that stimulate fat cells to spill their contents out and either melt away (via a suctioning cannula) or be excreted through the body’s natural elimination process.There is even a breakthrough skin firming and perfecting body makeup that creates a perfect canvas of skin topically to further boost confidence.


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