
Fight to repeal the SGR continues

February 27, 2012

Fight to repeal the SGR continues

NEW GLOUCESTER, ME – When lawmakers agreed to another postponement of the Medicare payment rate, physicians both breathed a sigh of relief and clenched their teeth in frustration. There had been so much optimism that this time Congress would repeal the sustainable growth rate formula. Now doctors are looking at continuing the fight instead of moving on to other issues, like payment reform.

“In the past year, more than 848,000 patients and physicians have contacted members of Congress to tell them it is time to eliminate the broken Medicare physician payment formula and protect patients’ access to care,” said Peter Carmel, MD, president of the American Medical Association. “The AMA’s work on this issue continues, but real relief for patients and taxpayers will only come when Congress gets rid of the problem once and for all.”

“… if (Congress) just sort of finger-in-the-dike all of these problems, they’re not really taking care of the bigger picture,” said Glen Stream, MD, president of the Academy of Family Physicians. “They waste their time because they have to come back and deal with this again. I know doctors are tired of talking to members of Congress about it. And members of Congress and their staff are tired. … It just needs to be fixed.”

Lawmakers chose to postpone the latest physician payment cut of 27.4 percent, which would have gone into effect this week, through the end of this year. When doctors face the rate cut again in 2013, it’ll be a cut of more than 30 percent.

In the interim, doctors and medical societies say they will continue to lobby lawmakers, urging them to repeal the SGR once and for all and to do it far in advance of December.

“Our strategy has always been it’s really Congress’ responsibility to find out how to fix this,” said Stream. “Some of the members of Congress feel like since the debt was related to physician payment that the fix has got to come within the healthcare spend specialty versus another. It’s just sort of counter-productive and so our feeling is that they have to come up with the means to fix it.”

But not everyone in the industry thinks a repeal of the SGR is realistic, even if it weren’t a presidential election season, and that doctors need to come up with a solution on their own instead of waiting for Congress.

“Just look at the numbers,” said Matthew Jacobson, CEO and founder of SignatureMD, a provider of concierge medicine. “Numbers don’t lie.”

With the large numbers of people entering Medicare, he said, there is no way, even with healthcare reform and accountable care organizations, costs will go down enough. The way he sees it, that means lawmakers have three options for cutting costs: cutting the pay rate to doctors, raising the Medicare eligibility age and cutting Medicare benefits.

“Do you think any congress person is either going to raise eligibility age or cut benefits? That’d be political suicide. So what can you do? You can cut rates,” he said. “Politicians are hoping that somehow the 2014 reforms are actually going to do something …

but anyone who’s been doing this knows they won’t do anything at all.”

“Until people are willing to swallow some really, really sour medicine,” he added, “it’s not going to get any better.”

Follow HFN associate editor Stephanie Bouchard on Twitter @SBouchardHFN.

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Cellulite treatment Cellulaze delivers results, according to top Plastic Surgeon

February 21, 2012

Cellulite treatment Cellulaze delivers results, according to top Plastic Surgeon


Cellulite. You know it, you hate it, and some people are plagued with the sub-dermal adipose (fat) tissue irregularity more than others.

Asians are rarely afflicted with it, ever.

This uneven and dimpled fat layer is a non life-threatening condition that affects almost 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men, and almost always in Westernized nations.

Blame the Industrial revolution, but as people physically worked less in a day and either sat for work or became more sedentary, human bodies began to store fat differently.

No one likes cellulite, and people have been massaging, rolling, beating it and sweating for years trying to make it go away.  Because women carry more subcutaneous fat, the propensity to develop cellulite worsens in their prime childbearing years and especially closer to the menopause stage of life. Women (and some men) often see cellulite build around knees, flanks, thighs and gluteal area during this time in life.

Now the FDA has approved a new technique (used for years overseas) based on some existing liposuction technology, but done in a way that is less invasive and is proven to last with immediate results.

Cellulaze is heralded as the real deal, not the false promise or temporary results of mandatory weekly “packages” of other office visit treatments sold to smooth out cottage cheese thighs.

Common misconceptions about cellulite abound, as large asset-blessed types like Jennifer Lopez can have a smooth deposit of gluteal fat that is pleasing to the eye, but skinny teenagers can be afflicted with “hail damage” on highly visible areas like thighs, hips and buttocks.

Despite the vast amounts of time and money that have gone into trying to find ways to dissolve and smooth out these uneven fat nodules–from lasers to caffeine-laced creams–Cellulaze offers safe FDA approved results in the 50-75% permanent improvement range.

Monsters and Critics spoke to one of the first Cellulaze pioneers in the United States, Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nicholas Nikolov, who illuminated a bit on this new treatment.

Dr. Nikolov told M&C that Cellulaze was far superior and clinically proven compared to existing cellulite fall-back fixes like Mesotherapy, “Subcision” surgery, Endermologieor some liposuction procedures that could not address the compartmentalized, fibrous nature of these “trapped” fat cells.


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Dr. Constantiono Mendieta on Inside Edition: Illegal Butt Injections

February 13, 2012

Dr. Constantiono Mendieta on Inside Edition: Illegal Butt Injections


More about Dr. Constantino Mendieta

Butt Picasso Dr. Constantino Mendieta reality series developed by 44 Blue Productions

February 9, 2012

Butt Picasso Dr. Constantino Mendieta reality series developed by 44 Blue Productions

Bootylicious behinds are all the rage, and the man who is considered the top of the bottom enhancing field is Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a Miami-based physician raised in Los Angeles, and licensed in California too.

Dr. Mendieta is a popular gluteal augmentation specialist who has penned formal professional studies and authored the book “The Art of Gluteal Sculpting.”

Dr. Constantino Mendieta is an acknowledged expert in this area. Thedramatic increase in requests for gluteal contouring procedures requires that plastic surgeons develop a mastery not only of a range of body contouring procedures, but also the ability to recognize each patient’s body frame type so that appropriate interventions can be planned.

The proof is in his before and after pictures. Dr. Mendieta’s body sculpting work is exceptional and has caught the radar of prolific reality production company, 44 Blue Productions, responsible for “Pit Bulls and Parolees” among many series.


Dr. Mendieta has established the most successful go-to clinic in Miami for the redistribution of assets.  His technique for taking fat out of unwanted areas and treating and reinjecting into the needed spots has one of the highest adipose tissue retention percentages, and is considered the safest way to augment buttocks, breasts and faces.

Dr. Mendieta’s end goal is not about just making the buttocks bigger, but rather more rounded, curvier and perkier.

Read our interview with Dr. Mendieta here

Because of his larger than life personality, sense of humor and successful specialized practice, Dr. Mendieta was discovered by 44 Blue Productions, the leading supplier of non-fiction, reality, how-to, lifestyle and action-adventure programming.

44 Blue currently has eight series on five television networks. 44 Blue shows have aired on more than a dozen domestic television networks and in more than 120 countries around the world.

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Dr. Mendieta

Butt Picasso Dr. Constantino Mendieta reality series developed by 44 Blue Productions

February 9, 2012

Butt Picasso Dr. Constantino Mendieta reality series developed by 44 Blue Productions

Bootylicious behinds are all the rage, and the man who is considered the top of the bottom enhancing field is Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a Miami-based physician raised in Los Angeles, and licensed in California too.

Dr. Mendieta is a popular gluteal augmentation specialist who has penned formal professional studies and authored the book “The Art of Gluteal Sculpting.”

Dr. Constantino Mendieta is an acknowledged expert in this area. Thedramatic increase in requests for gluteal contouring procedures requires that plastic surgeons develop a mastery not only of a range of body contouring procedures, but also the ability to recognize each patient’s body frame type so that appropriate interventions can be planned.

The proof is in his before and after pictures. Dr. Mendieta’s body sculpting work is exceptional and has caught the radar of prolific reality production company, 44 Blue Productions, responsible for “Pit Bulls and Parolees” among many series.


Dr. Mendieta has established the most successful go-to clinic in Miami for the redistribution of assets.  His technique for taking fat out of unwanted areas and treating and reinjecting into the needed spots has one of the highest adipose tissue retention percentages, and is considered the safest way to augment buttocks, breasts and faces.

Dr. Mendieta’s end goal is not about just making the buttocks bigger, but rather more rounded, curvier and perkier.

Read our interview with Dr. Mendieta here

Because of his larger than life personality, sense of humor and successful specialized practice, Dr. Mendieta was discovered by 44 Blue Productions, the leading supplier of non-fiction, reality, how-to, lifestyle and action-adventure programming.

44 Blue currently has eight series on five television networks. 44 Blue shows have aired on more than a dozen domestic television networks and in more than 120 countries around the world.

Original Article

Dr. Mendieta


February 8, 2012


Having a plump, curvaceous behind has become an asset in Hollywood.  Women are paying a lot of money to look like Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian by enhancing their behinds.

It’s become the latest craze in cosmetic surgery.  Plastic surgeons say the only way safe way to do it is through surgical implants, or by transferring fat from another part of one’s body done by board certified doctors.

But, Lisa Guerrero and the INSIDE EDITION I-Squad found a shady, underground world of unqualified people who allegedly injected their customers with strange cocktails.

Many women were promised beautiful behinds, but were left disfigured and scarred.  In some cases, they died as a result of these toxic injections.

In one case, a woman in Florida, allegedly injected herself and her patients with things like cement and Fix-A-Flat – sold for tire repairs.A far cry from the celebrity sex-appeal so many were hoping for.

Gabi Castillo always envied Jennifer Lopez’s sexy moves.  She wasn’t satisfied with her own curves, so she paid $6,000 to get a more voluptuous backside.

“I felt I would look sexy if I had a big butt,” Gabi told INSIDE EDITION.

Not long after the procedure, a lump appeared on her behind.  It grew into a life-threatening infection that was eating away at her skin and muscle.

“I remember the horror of not knowing if I was going to live,” she said.

Doctors told Gabi, she’d been injected with an unknown, contaminated substance.

She had to undergo 28 surgeries, which removed the infection, and most of her behind. Today, she’s left with permanent scars and has to wear prosthetic pads just to feel normal.

Miami plastic surgeon Constantino Mendieta told INSIDE EDITION, “Without knowing it, these patients are rolling the dice. They’re actually playing Russian roulette with their health.”

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America the Booty-ful: How Dr. Mendieta’s Bottom Line is reshaping the country

February 8, 2012

America the Booty-ful: How Dr. Mendieta’s Bottom Line is reshaping the country

Last year in Miami, a disturbed transsexual masquerading as a Doctor injected terrible things like cement and Fix-A-Flat tire repair compound into unwitting patients all seeking to enhance their buttocks and faces.

The net result was horrific, but it underscored the growing trendthat the Kate Moss and Agyness Deyn boyish sexless thin build no longer was the desired look. This haut-fashion human clothes’ hanger ideal has been replaced by the voluptuous, round and decidedly retro female form.

‘Baby got back’ is in full swing, and Americans, thanks to culture icons J-Lo, Kim Kardashian and Sofia Vergara, are lusting for the grabbable tush, the bootylicious behind.

The man who is considered the top of this bottom enhancing field is Board CertifiedPlastic Surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a Miami-based physician raised in Los Angeles, and still licensed in California too.

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‘Miami Thong Lift’ doctor says business is booming

January 30, 2012

‘Miami Thong Lift’ doctor says business is booming

MIAMI, Fla. (NBC) — On busy South Dixie Highway near Coconut Grove, Florida it’s hard to miss the signs for the Miami Thong Lift.

Jenny Fitz came from Bolivia to have it done last year.

“I love it. Tremendous change.Yeah because I had that square look,” Fitz said.

She joked that she used to look like SpongeBob Squarepants.

Plastic surgeon Constantino Mendieta says he invented the Miami Thong Lift around ten years ago.

“It’s just now entering into vogue. As a matter of fact, I’m going to Paris to lecture this week. I’ve been invited to Turkey, and we’re going to Belgium,” said Mendieta.

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January 17, 2011


When the news came out late last year that some retardedely desperate girls in Miami allowed a transsexual Frankenstein man with grotesquely gargantuan ass and titties to inject their butts with cement and Fix-A-Flat tire sealant in hopes of ballooning their asses to J. Lo proportions, we knew this whole bootyliciousthing was starting to get out of control. Surprisingly, that case is just one of many instances last year where people hired quacks to augment their asses–a 20-year-old student in Philly even died from underground silicone butt injections last February.

This seedy scene of backyard assplasty belies a broader trend of women going to extreme measures to improve the shape and girth of their behinds. The sane way to do this, beyond squats and eating lots of bonbons, is to go to a plastic surgeon. There are two general methods that real doctors use to augment your bum–implants and fat transfers. Implants in the butt generally follow the same concept as implants in the breast, and have been slowly rising in popularity in the US over the last few years. However, fat transfers, also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, are where all the action is. This procedure involves liposuctioning fat from unwanted places, prepping it, and pumping it back into select areas of the butt to create a delicious flesh-apple. It’s hard to get specific statistics on fat grafting, however, because most surgery societies tally fat transfers under liposuction.

Dr. Constantino Mendieta is the biggest advocate for butt augmentation in the world. Unsurprisingly, his practice is in Miami and overrun with sexy nurses with surgically sculpted asses. Butt-hungry patients fly in from all over the globe to have his steady hand in their behind, and with good reason–he literally wrote the book on butts. It’s called The Art of Gluteal Sculpting. The original idea was to interview another talented surgeon, but when Constantino heard through the grapevine that VICE was writing about butt augmentation he called us up to set the record straight.

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