
The Biggest Medical Discoveries of the Decade–And How they Impact You

Slide 1 of 21: A new Toy Story movie. A new Taylor Swift album. A new British Prime Minister. There's not a ton of superficial differences between 2010 and today. Yet in the last decade, scientists and doctors have made an incredible amount of discoveries and advances, finding new cures and treatments and tirelessly progressing medicine while researching areas like genes and stem cells. Before the dawn of the new decade, The Remedy asked the country's top doctors to select the most impactful medical discoveries of the last one.

A new Toy Story movie. A new Taylor Swift album. A new British Prime Minister. There’s not a ton of superficial differences between 2010 and today. Yet in the last decade, scientists and doctors have made an incredible amount of discoveries and advances, finding new cures and treatments and tirelessly progressing medicine while researching areas like genes and stem cells. Before the dawn of the new decade, The Remedy asked the country’s top doctors to select the most impactful medical discoveries of the last one.

We’ve Developed Targeted Cancer Therapies

Melanoma is one of the deadliest skin cancers because it spreads aggressively, and metastatic melanoma has a poor prognosis, resisting chemotherapy. “Fortunately, the landmark discovery of activating mutations in the cancer gene called BRAF–present in up to half of all melanomas and responsible for unrestrained cell proliferation–has allowed the development of several targeted therapies specifically aimed at suppressing this mode of tumor growth,” says Peterson Pierre, MD, board-certified specialist in dermatology and cosmetic dermatology at the Pierre Skin Care Institute in Thousand Oaks, CA. “In addition, advances in immunotherapy–antibodies that are targeted directly at melanoma–have revolutionized the treatment landscape for metastatic, recurrent and late-stage melanoma. Similar discoveries are occurring for many different types of cancer.”

The Human Genome Project is Paying Off

“Scientists have completed sequencing of the human genome, meaning they have established the order of the more than three billion letters in all the genes that make up our DNA,” says Dr. Pierre. “Gene sequencing has helped researchers identify single genes that cause diseases which, in turn, leads to better treatments, such as curing sickle cell disease, building new skin for a patient with a connective tissue disorder, restoring sight in patients with eye diseases, and addressing hemophilia. Scientists are now working on the Human Microbiome Project to better understand the complex bacteria that live in and on our bodies.”

Stem Cell Research Advances

“There certainly has been a lot of potential promise in this area of medicine but also a lot of controversy and with good reason,” says Dr. Pierre. “The ability to cure diseases is quite fascinating, but the source of the stem cells raised moral and ethical concerns. Now that we have the ability to transform skin cells into embryonic-like stem cells, the moral dilemma has been somewhat addressed and we can focus on the possibility of regenerative medicine, the ability to grow new tissue to replace damaged or defective ones.”

We’ve Nearly Obliterated Polio

“In 2018, the World Health Organization announced that only 33 people worldwide are now afflicted with polio, an illness that mostly affects children,” says Dr. Pierre. “That’s quite an improvement over the 350,000 cases reported in 1988. Lots of work, however, remains to be done to completely eradicate the disease.”

Is Dry Brushing Your Skin Worth It?


Dry brushing, one of the latest skin crazes, sort of feels like a massage, it only takes a few minutes, and it reportedly provides a variety of significant benefits–everything from lymphatic drainage to improved circulation and cellular exfoliation, purportedly helping to make your skin glow–but for most people dry brushing remains a mystery. How does it work? How do you keep it from hurting? Will any old brush do? To demystify the process of dry brushing, we spoke with dermatologists who shared their wisdom, and techniques.

Among other benefits, dry brushing is a fantastic exfoliator. “Dry brushing, or when you use a large bristle brush to massage the skin while it’s dry, helps to exfoliate and increases blood flow,” says Dr. Sapna Palep of Spring Street Dermatology in New York City. While benefits aren’t clinically established, derms tend to regard it as a worthwhile practice.

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Efecto adverso: las inyecciones cosméticas podrían avejentarte

AHPR 12-2

Seguro te ha pasado que te encuentras con alguien que hace mucho no veías y, no solo te das cuenta que tiene retoques estéticos en el rostro, sino que éstos, en lugar de hacerle ver más joven, lo avejentan.

En muchos casos, inclusive, el rostro se ve igual al de muchas personas que se aplican inyecciones cosméticas, como si fuese un procedimiento en serie que deja a todos luciendo de manera similar: con el rostro que parece hinchado y las mejillas protuberantes, como si tuvieran dos pelotas de golf.

¿Por qué sucede esto? ¿Acaso las inyecciones cosméticas hacen más mal que bien? Consultamos con Rian A. Maercks, cirujano plástico y fundador de Maercks Institute, quien nos ayuda a entender este… ¿efecto adverso de las inyecciones cosméticas?

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They are used for gel manicure but are they risky for  health?

Dr. Peterson Pierre, a certified dermatology and cosmetic dermatology specialist at  the  ​Pierre Skin Care Institute​ , explains that UV nail lamps use the same mechanism as  sunbeds so they ​”can pose a risk to skin health “​ .  “Gel manicures use UVA radiation to harden nail polish and make it less likely to splinter.  Ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin and damage collagen and elastin, two proteins  that keep our skin young. This can lead to signs of premature aging such as dark spots  and wrinkles. Cumulative DNA damage can lead to precancerous growths and eventually  skin cancers, “says Pierre.

However, there are several other factors involved. “First is the strength of the bulbs used  that emit different amounts of ultraviolet light. Second, the amount of exposure to that light
and thirdly, the frequency of exposure. Given that manicures are usually performed one or  Twice a month for a few minutes, the amount of exposure to ultraviolet light is relatively  low, especially when compared to sun exposure. Therefore, ​health risks are low, but not  zero,​ “he says.

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They say eyelash extensions could spread lice, but is it true?

“The application of eyelash extensions is a meticulous and delicate work that requires experience, because the eye area is very sensitive,” says Dr. Peterson Pierre, a certified specialist in dermatology and cosmetic dermatology at the Pierre Skin Care Institute.

In addition, the expert advises:
Wash your hands and use clean and disinfected tweezers.

  • Check the labels of all the products you use to make sure they do not contain chemical compounds to which you are allergic.
  • The adhesive you use must be pharmaceutical grade and safe to use around the eyes.
  • Rinse the area immediately after application to remove any adhesive residue.

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Read this before you try those crazy-popular at-home extraction tools


We all live for a detoxifying facial–there’s really nothing some extractions (our personal fave) and glycolic acid can’t fix. However, while a 30-minute facial treatment is always a treat for our pooped-out complexion, there’s no denying that getting facials on the regular can quickly add up. And sure, there are at-home devices that promise to cut down on pricey salon visits, but there hasn’t been a gadget on the market that claims to match the pore-cleansing treatments we get at the derm’s office, until now.

Thanks to industry giants like Rodan + Fields and DERMAFLASH, at-home extraction tools are now a thing. In just the past year, both brands have unveiled blackhead-removing tools that allegedly deep-cleanse your pores in minutes. While these gadgets can indeed cost just as much as (or even more than!) a medical-grade facial, the vice president of product development for Rodan + Fields, Sumita Butani, says they are cost-efficient in the long run, since they can spare you from costly dermatologist visits in the future.

But are they safe?

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‘The Hills’ Star Jason Wahler Reflects on His Sobriety Journey’: I Was ‘Lost and Scared’

Mike Tyson Golf Tournament in Dana Point, USA - 02 Aug 2019

A changed man. The Hills star Jason Wahler reflected on his sobriety journey, from 2006 to now, and he’s come a long way. “I think the person I was when I was active in my addiction back in the day was a very lost, scared, confused individual to somebody today that has self-worth, passion, motivation,” he told In Touch exclusively. Now, the reality star describes himself as, “loving, caring, kind and somebody who loves giving back.”

The 32-year-old — who teamed up with Hilary Roberts and the Red Songbird Foundation to give away a $100,000 scholarship at The Beach House Treatment Center in support of trauma, mental health and substance abuse — has been candid about his addiction struggles in the past, and surprisingly enough, he doesn’t regret appearing on reality TV. “I think everything happens for a reason,” he explained. “Obviously, there was a whirlwind of everything that had happened. I went through that very public battle of addiction. I went through 14 different treatment centers — from Florida to Hawaii [and] every state in between. But what that has allotted me to do is it created a platform because, you know, I say all great change proceeds with chaos. I had to go through hell to experience the benefits of this.”

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Helping Our Pets Age With Grace


As a veterinarian, I work with a number of rescue organizations, and am often shocked at the number of senior pets that are abandoned at shelters and rescue groups just because they are old! Age is not a disease! Age is a condition that we can prepare for and deal with as time passes.

My family and I had to say goodbye to 3 of our dogs over the past year and a half– all of them living past age 14. It is not fun to watch them get older, but there are a number of things that we can do to help our pets age gracefully, and to keep them healthier as they reach their golden years.
Remember, it’s not about “age,” which you can’t control-it’s all about always being in tune with your furry family member.

First, when is a dog considered a senior? For larger breeds of dogs, usually by 7 years of age, and for cats and smaller breeds of dogs at around 8 years of age. These ages are equivalent to us hitting our mid 50’s!

I recommend preventive medicine as a key to maintaining a pet’s longevity! Many diseases in their early stages are clinically undetectable to us. Some believe it may be an evolutionary “self preservation” phenomenon, as animals who displayed any outward signs of weakness or illness would be a target for a predator. And, unlike many of us, our pets don’t complain– life goes on! This is why it is essential to have your senior pets examined by your veterinarian annually for a physical examination, blood and urine testing. These tests can help identify problems early on, before they become clinically apparent, allowing us to begin preventive measures.

There are a number of diseases that can actually rob our pets of precious years, so prevention, early recognition, early treatment and lifestyle changes can possibly add years, and good quality, to their lives!

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