
Why People Turn to Exercise to Stay Sober

Scott Lapollo runs up to a popular path encircling a reservoir at the edge of Boston and smiles at the sight of hordes of other runners doing laps.

Not long ago he was more likely to spend a cloudless Saturday like this one getting high on something other than sunshine and endorphins, he says. Now he’s working his way through the legal system and fighting his addiction to prescription drugs. Part of his recovery is running with fellow members of the Boston Bulldogs, a running group of men and women who are also contending with substance issues or have family or friends who are.

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I had to give up drinking, and I realized the unhealthy ways we talk about alcohol

A year ago, right after my 21st birthday party, my mom told me that she thought I might have a drinking problem. “I want you to be careful because it seems like most of your social life is focused around drinking,” she explained. During the party, my friends had given speeches and shared stories of me getting drunk.

At the time, I thought my mother was overreacting because getting drunk is so normal in my social circles. I never drank alone and sometimes went weeks without drinking, so I believed I was far off from having a problem. But I was actually binge drinking.

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Addiction Treatment Through Healthy Eating

Beach House - KABC collage

At the juice bar getting loaded with vitamins — all part of a unique perspective on addiction treatment through healthy eating! Gourmet food and natural juices are highlighted in a forthcoming segment filmed at the exclusive Beach House Treatment Center in Malibu by health expert Lori Corbin for KABC-TV News. Participating in this fresh look at recovery are Beach House Founder and President Kimberly James (in red), KABC’s Lori Corbin (in print) and Laurie Dhue (in white), former FOX News anchor and sober living advocate.

100 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick


Your trip home every day is a matter of life and death. You’re dodging other cars. You’re worrying about what to eat. You’re ducking your neighbor, the one with halitosis. When you finally shut your front door, a sense of calm prevails: You made it. You’re home.

But are you safe?

Shocking new research proves there are health dangers lurking in every house, with threats found in your dishwasher, shower, bedroom and more. In fact, there’s not a room untouched by scary substances that might make you sick. The Remedy asked the country’s top researchers for exactly what the issues are and how to solve each problem, so you can be happier, healthier, and safer–where it matters most.

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100 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick


Your trip home every day is a matter of life and death. You’re dodging other cars. You’re worrying about what to eat. You’re ducking your neighbor, the one with halitosis. When you finally shut your front door, a sense of calm prevails: You made it. You’re home.

But are you safe?

Shocking new research proves there are health dangers lurking in every house, with threats found in your dishwasher, shower, bedroom and more. In fact, there’s not a room untouched by scary substances that might make you sick. The Remedy asked the country’s top researchers for exactly what the issues are and how to solve each problem, so you can be happier, healthier, and safer–where it matters most.

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100 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick


Your trip home every day is a matter of life and death. You’re dodging other cars. You’re worrying about what to eat. You’re ducking your neighbor, the one with halitosis. When you finally shut your front door, a sense of calm prevails: You made it. You’re home.

But are you safe?

Shocking new research proves there are health dangers lurking in every house, with threats found in your dishwasher, shower, bedroom and more. In fact, there’s not a room untouched by scary substances that might make you sick. The Remedy asked the country’s top researchers for exactly what the issues are and how to solve each problem, so you can be happier, healthier, and safer–where it matters most.

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45 Sneaky Signs You’re Unhealthier Than You May Think

45 Sneaky Signs You’re Unhealthier Than You May Think

Thinking that you’re healthy and actually being healthy are two very different things. You can go to the gym every week, floss after every meal, and go to sleep every night before 10 p.m., and still, you might be suffering in silence without even realizing it. But now is the time to learn about these less obvious health symptoms that could indicate a serious issue is going on–because when it comes to your health, knowledge is power.

#21: You have trouble driving at night

With cars flashing their brights at you and poorly lit roads, driving at night isn’t easy for anyone. However, if you find that driving after sunset is becoming increasingly difficult, this could be a sign of an eye issue.

“If a patient, generally age 50 and above, is bothered by symptoms such as difficulty in dim light, glare and halos, and trouble driving at night, they should consider seeing an eye doctor as this could indicate that they may need to have cataract surgery,” says Ming Wang, MD, PhD, of the Wang Vision Institute in Nashville, Tennessee. “Once performed, surgery can generally alleviate these symptoms.”

#22: You have pain behind your eyes

“One of the most commonly misunderstood symptoms of a sinus infection is eye pain,” says Wang. “This occurs because the sinuses sit in areas above, below, and next to the eyes. When pressure builds up in these areas, it can cause a dull pain that feels like it is coming from around or behind the eyes when it is actually coming from the sinuses.”

#23: Your vision suddenly changes

People of all ages and genders suffer from poor vision that requires correction. But while it’s unfortunately normal for our eyes to slowly deteriorate, you should be slightly more concerned if your vision changes suddenly out of the blue.

“Sudden vision changes could indicate a wide range of issues including macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, vascular occlusions in the eye, retinal detachment, acute glaucoma, and more,” says Wang. “Patients should seek the care of an eye doctor immediately with any sudden vision change.”

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