
High Tech Innovations for Low Vision

Body Acne

Assistance for people with vision impairment has come a long way in recent years. Before tech transformed health care, the main option for vision assistance was magnifying lenses. Today’s tools include not only better magnification devices, but also apps and other products that use audio or tactile, rather than visual, feedback.

“These kinds of things put the zest and joy back in life for people who think they’ve had to give up some things,” says Neva Fairchild, an independent living specialist with the American Foundation for the Blind who is herself visually impaired. Fairchild was able to read a Valentine’s Day card from her daughter for the first time this year using an app called Seeing AI (more on that below).

Among the latest and most interesting innovations:

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Prominent Conductor Helps High School Arts Students Find Their Voice

Body Acne

This chorus class always starts the day with vocal warm ups. It’s an important exercise and chorus is one of student Kristen Duran’s favorite classes at Arcadia High School.

Music director Dr. Stephen Pu treats every rehearsal like a mini recital.

“They improve as singers during this time and then when they’re singing their repertoire, that’s when they can apply the technique they’ve practiced,” says Pu.

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Brand Building: An Athletic Essential

Body Acne

Take it from someone who’s earned the right, sometimes the hard way, to talk about brand building. In today’s world, brand building is an integral part of the athletic make up. No athlete worth his/her weight doesn’t have a brand that he or she built from years of sweat, tears and grinding. They understand that the most important thing for a student athlete during the recruiting process and later as a player on the big stage is building his or her brand.

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