
11 Subtle (But Potentially Serious) Signs You Need To Change Your Birth Control

birth control

Birth control is supposed to make your life easier. Whether you take a pill, use a vaginal ring, or have an IUD, you can often expect regulated periods, clearer skin, and (of course) protection from pregnancy. But if things don’t go as planned, you may find yourself experiencing all sorts of side effects. Whether it’s nausea that just won’t quit, or something a little more serious, your body will definitely let you know when or if you need to change your birth control. Continue reading

Want to Be Your Own Boss? Here’s What You Need to Know


Many of us who are self-employed look back on our 9 to 5 cubicle days and wonder: How did I ever do that? Not because we didn’t enjoy our full-time careers, but because it’s just so different now: We make our own schedules, build our own clientele, choose our workspace and are 100 percent responsible for our financial growth. Everything we do — and every decision we make — is self-directed. We are the boss. Continue reading

How to Get a Raise in 2017


Asking for a raise is one thing–getting it is another. In fact, a variety of factors go into whether or not one successfully secures a pay bump. How and when you ask, the type of research you do beforehand, and your follow-up all make a huge difference in whether or not you get a raise. Continue reading

Top 4 Things Nutritionists Look For On A Food Label


In an ideal world, you’d only be eating foods that lack labels. “Foods that don’t have labels are often some of the best things you can eat–the fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs from the farmers’ market; the fresh seafood at the fish market; and the amazing whole-grain bread from the local bakery,” says Susan Bowerman, RDN, coauthor of What Color is Your Diet?. Continue reading