
This is What Happens When You Drink a Glass of Wine Every Night


You might get sick less often

While it’s no replacement for a healthy diet loaded with all of the illness-fighting vitamins and nutrients you need, research has found that wine possesses immune system-boosting benefits. “The antioxidants in wine increases heart-healthy HDL cholesterol as well as keeping the immune system strong,” says Kristine Arthur, MD, internist at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. “HDL helps to prevent “bad” plaque build-up in the arteries, which can also help prevent heart attacks and strokes.” If you’re over age 21, these are the wine terms you need to memorize. Continue reading

7 Subtle Symptoms That Can Sometimes Indicate Infertility


There’s a lot involved when you’re trying to have a baby, and if you’re having issues, a visit to the doctor’s office can often help shed some light. However, if a visit to the fertility clinic isn’t in your near future, you can also pay attention to some subtle signs of infertility that you might not realize. Understanding what’s going in your body can help you determine your chances of getting pregnant, even if you’re not looking to have a baby right this moment. Continue reading



Where does a Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia go for dental work? To Dr. Sargon Lazarof at the Sargon Dental & Implant Institute in Encino. Lazarof is the inventor of Ultratooth, an FDA-approved dental implant procedure that can be completed in one hour and provides a new tooth with full functionality immediately after the surgery. Continue reading