
6 Signs Your PMS Is Something More Serious


While at least one symptom of PMS affects 85 percent of women, severe discomfort or moodiness before your period could actually be a sign of something more serious. Some women spend years not realizing they suffer from endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), or another major health problem because they’ve confused it with run-of-the-mill PMS. Continue reading

12 Things That Could Be Messing With Your Guy’s Sperm


If your quest to get pregnant isn’t going so well, don’t automatically assume that you’re the culprit. Though women usually get most of the blame for fertility problems, a third of cases are caused by issues related to the man (one third is due to the woman, and the remaining cases are caused by a combination of problems in both partners, or for unknown reasons). For men, many fertility troubles are due to problems with their sperm, and the 12 factors below may all negatively impact those swimmers. Continue reading