
SnapChat Filters Inspire New Generation of Cosmetic Patients


Selfies have revolutionized plastic surgery, changing how we perceive ourselves and how we want to be seen. Gone are the days when patients go to their plastic surgeon with a celebrity’s photo… welcome the filtered selfie.

Surprisingly, patients are getting inspiration from a different source: themselves! Because of the constant use of social media and the rise of the selfie, young people have become hyperaware of their image. They are now getting plastic surgery to attain that “Picture Perfect” look – making their offline selves look more like their online selves. Continue reading

High numbers? 1 in 8 American adults smokes pot

The percentage of Americans who say they currently smoke marijuana has nearly doubled since 2013, a new survey finds.

Thirteen percent of adults in the U.S. now say they currently smoke pot — up from 7 percent in 2013, according to the new Gallup poll.

The percentage of Americans who said they had ever tried marijuana also increased since 2013. This year, 43 percent of Americans said they had tried the drug — up from 38 percent in 2013, according to the poll. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

Recreational marijuana use is legal in four states(Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon) and the District of Columbia. In addition, half of U.S. states have some version of a medical marijuana law, according to Gallup. In November, four more states will vote on whether to allow medical marijuana.

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Healthy And Beauty–BH Plastic Surgeon Dr. Bruce Torkian Sees Trend Toward Ethnic Rhinoplasty


Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Behrooz (Bruce) Torkian has seen a significant changes in plastic surgery choices aside from the filtered selfies on Instagram.  He has seen patients wanting to maintain their ethnic identity to a degree while improving their overall appearance.  “Fewer people want to be homogenized,” says Torkian. Continue reading



Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex and intricate of plastic surgery procedures, requiring a great deal of finesse on the part of the surgeon. The nose is made up of several bone, cartilage and soft tissue components that need to fit together in a very specific way for it to function properly, and esthetic modifications must take that delicate balance into account. Continue reading

Weighing High Deductible Medical Insurance: Who Benefits?

Weighing High Deductible Medical Insurance: Who Benefits?

Wayne Lipton, Managing Partner, Concierge Choice Physicians

Americans have an unquenchable thirst for the best–and that means healthcare too.  But does more care translate necessarily to better care?  How much is too much?  Is some care not necessary?   And most importantly, who decides? Continue reading