
Sale on Data

Sale on Data

RETAIL: Alter Agents launches lower-cost service to provide new clients with information on shoppers’ spending habits.

Many traditional retailers have seen dwindling sales thanks to a decline in consumer purchasing power and the proliferation of online shopping websites. Continue reading


The Perfect Derma PeelMany of us would love to treat our skin to traditional facials thinking that is the best way to keep a youthful appearance. While these kinds of facials help skin they do not offer drastic results and they can be time consuming and costly. For the price of about three facials and a fraction of the time, a medical grade chemical peel like the Perfect Derma Peel is the way to go. I chose the Perfect Derma Peel for several reasons. It is the only medical grade chemical peel with Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant proven to have anti-aging and skin lightening benefits. I have very sensitive skin and this peel works for all skin types and ethnicities. Continue reading

Gift Ideas for Men and Women

I’m really excited to bring you some fabulous gift ideas for men and women this year. I always struggle with finding just the right gift. So I spend a lot of time on the web, scouring Amazon, Etsy, and blogs looking for ideas.

Also, I have the great blessing to be connected to fabulous brands, who always share their latest and greatest products with me. No better time to share those with you than right before Christmas. When you are probably in my same boat – looking for ideas too! Continue reading