
Pat Robertson backs legal marijuana. Will other conservatives follow?

April 24, 2012

Pat Robertson backs legal marijuana. Will other conservatives follow?

“Clearly he is ill-informed about the drug war,” says Calvina Fay, executive director of the Drug Free America Foundation. She says in 1978, 58 percent of high school seniors had used an illicit drug in the past year, compared with 28 percent in 1992 – more than a 50 percent drop.

The numbers have crept back up to 40 percent, a trend she attributes both to the 16 states andWashington, D.C., which have legalized the medical use of marijuana, as well as the big push in Californialast fall to legalize recreational use throughProposition 19.

But she adds, “We are still well below the 1978 usage rate, hardly a complete failure.”

For Paul Armentano, deputy director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the recent trends relate to a bigger picture. Polls have been shifting for three decades, showing that voters of all ages and both parties support regulating cannabis like alcohol, he says. At least 70 percent of Americans support legalizing medical marijuana, he says.

“When a person like Pat Robertson realizes that the immorality of jailing nonviolent marijuana users, keeping medicine away from the sick, and contributing to murder and mayhem in Latin America is far, far worse that the supposed immorality of using marijuana, we have reached a positive turning point in the debate,” adds Morgan Fox of the Marijuana Policy Project in an e-mail. “We are starting to see more people’s moral judgments aligning themselves with the realities of marijuana prohibition.”

Critics, however, worry that Robertson’s comments only hurt antidrug efforts.

“If you work and live in the world of addiction, a world where you have your sleeves rolled up and are dealing with the true impact that drugs have on society, you just may have something to say to people like Pat Robertson, who so cavalierly come out with a statement like this,” says Richard Taite, founder of Cliffside Malibu, an addiction treatment center, in an e-mail.

Adds Robert DuPont, president of the Institute for Behavior and Health: “I think he’s acting out of his sense of compassion and thinks he is being reasonable, but that he is drinking the Kool-Aid of the pro-marijuana forces.”

Recently, Robertson said that God could have stopped the tornadoes that swept the Midwest if more people had been praying. He also said in December that homosexual people can “un-acquire” the lifestyle.

More about Cliffside Malibu

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Lifestyles of the not so rich and famous: 5 top ways stars lose all their cash

April 24, 2012

Lifestyles of the not so rich and famous: 5 top ways stars lose all their cash

Last week Gary Busey passed a mandatory online financial management course in an attempt to convince a U.S. Bankruptcy court he’ll start sensibly managing his money.

The veteran actor recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But in Hollywood, going broke is just about as as common as a leaked nude photos; just ask Toni Braxton, Larry Wilcox, Vince NeilMike Tyson, and Stephen Baldwin, all of whom have recently filed for bankruptcy.

Not to mention Zsa Zsa Gabor‘s husband, who was forced to put their Bel Air mansion on the market last year to pay the ailing star’s medical bills; Wesley Snipes, who was imprisoned for three tax-related misdemeanor convictions; and Nicolas Cage, who lost one of his homes to foreclosure and has been plagued by IRS issues.

So how is it that some of the most well-paid people on the planet can end up with next to nothing? We talked to financial management experts and they ticked off the top five ways rich celebs lose it all (or close to it).

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Parents need to step up, says addiction expert on synthetic K2 Pot problem

April 24, 2012

Parents need to step up, says addiction expert on synthetic K2 Pot problem

Synthetic Marijuana (K2) is sending kids to the hospital and confounding their doctors on how this substance is gaining in popularity.

Reuters Health [via Pediatrics] reports that “Three U.S. teenagers ended up in the emergency department with altered mental states and seriously elevated heart rates after smoking synthetic marijuana…”

The culprit that did this was K2, one of the many names for synthetic marijuana.

Despite a ban in the U.S. and the Drug Enforcement Administration wishes to classify them permanently as schedule 1 controlled substances — a category that includes heroin and natural marijuana.

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Bobblehead Dad: Keeping Our Teens Safe Over Spring Break

April 24, 2012

Bobblehead Dad: Keeping Our Teens Safe Over Spring Break

Want a sobering statistic? One-third of all alcohol-related teen deaths and injuries will take place in the months of April, May, June. You know, those celebratory months of Spring Break, prom and graduation. What should be a time of fun and youthful bliss results all too often in unnecessary accidents or deaths.

Want hear something even more sobering? More than a quarter of teens out there say their parents have never spoken to them about alcohol and drug use or safety.

What can a parent do?

“Plenty,” according to Dr. Robert Waldman from the Cliffside Malibu Treatment Center in California. I spoke to him last week to get some direct advice from this father of three.

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Going Behind Closed Doors: What Rehab Is REALLY Like

April 24, 2012

Going Behind Closed Doors: What Rehab Is REALLY Like


With stars checking in and out of rehab with such frequency, we’ve always wondered what really goes on in rehab and what it is really like. So, today we take you behind closed doors, and give you an insight into what is the day-to-day reality of being in a treatment facility.

We spoked exclusively to Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, who gave us a better perspective on life in rehab.

Here is our interview with him….

Celebzter: Cliffside Malibu is described as a 5-star rehab, what are the attributes that make it more elite than other facilities?

Richard: The level of expertise and service provided by the entire staff is impeccable. We have personalized treatment programs that are created for each individual based on their needs, and along with one-on-one therapy, we have available an entire array of integrated holistic treatment therapies such as yoga, personal fitness instruction, chiropractic care, massage, detox foot baths, acupuncture, orthomolecular therapy, brain mapping/neurofeedback, EMDR,  hyperbaric chambers to name a few.

We also provide high-end quality to all the accommodations on our site.  That means, 1000 thread count sheets, down pillows and comforters, flat screen TV’s, DVR’s, turn down service, maid service, chefs that cook to order for all dietary needs, comforts that our clients are used to on a regular basis.

Cliffside Malibu is located on a private, serene estate, with white water ocean views which acts as a natural calming and soothing atmosphere during some intense times in our clients lives.

Celebzter: Can you tell us a little about what the treatment facility offers in terms of specialists?

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The Fix Expands Its Rehab Review

April 24, 2012

The Fix Expands Its Rehab Review

The Fix is proud to announce the first expansion of itsRehab Review, with four new drug-and-alcohol treatment centers–and one sober-living facility–added to its growing list of insider-reviewed rehabs.

The new additions are concentrated in Southern California, and include Cliffside MalibuSOBA Recovery Center,Las Vegas Recovery CenterNewport Academy–The Fix’s first reviewed teen rehab–and Malibu Beach Sober Living’s Beach House. Check out the star ratings and insider perspectives on just what getting clean and sober at one of these places is really like. From roommate drama to mixed martial arts, from distracted doctors to compassionate staff–if you are considering rehab for yourself or a loved one, you’ll want to hear about what it’s like from people who’ve been there.

The Rehab Review will continue to expand going forward–so if you represent a drug-or-alcohol treatment program and want to get your facility reviewed, just email Rehab Review Editor Hunter R. Slaton, and we’ll get the wheels in motion. And finally, thanks to all of the rehab alumni who shared their experiences and impressions withThe Fix, and made these new reviews possible.

Cliffside Malibu:

An up-and-then-downhill drive to a secluded cul-de-sac leads those who need to dry out or clean up–from addictions that run the gamut from straight-up drinking problems to pot, Oxy, heroin, cocaine and crack habits–to Cliffside Malibu, a sun-drenched, white-washed resort of a rehab, surrounded by wild lavender and windswept greenery, and perched on two lush acres overlooking the blue Pacific Ocean.

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Lose an inch in 30 minutes


Now I am not into being lazy about obtaining a fit body. I work out several times a week but recently it feels like I just can’t seem to get rid of my belly. My massage therapist reminded me, to my chagrin, that it is natural for my body to add “padding” to my midsection to prepare me for the next stage of life. So though I fight it with my spinning, cardio kickboxing and weightlifting; my belly is still there taunting me (and it doesn’t help that I still eat whatever I want…LOL). Continue reading

The CHI-lebrity Skinny Secret: VASER Shape


 Imagine a non-surgical way to way to sculpt and smooth your body’s most stubborn problem areas. Are you unhappy with your stomach or maybe looking to tone your legs? Now, on top of this, envision losing inches from your physique in just one, yes I said, one day.  Too good to be true? Think again, these dreams have now become a reality. Continue reading

Expert Opinion: Gerard Should Be Going To Therapy Three Times A Week

April 24, 2012

Expert Opinion: Gerard Should Be Going To Therapy Three Times A Week

He seemed to have a ball, and though the reports seem to be consistent that he wasn’t drinking (picking up girls, is another matter), Gerard Butler’s appearance at the three-day music festival Coachella, did raise some eyebrows… and some concerns surrounding how long his sobriety can last given the tempations around him.

Recently, we did an article about what treatment facilities are really like, and we consulted Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, who has some good advice for the recently- rehabbed actor… Oh, and we also asked about Lindsay Lohan while we were at it. Here’s our interview with Richard…


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