
Dieting for Dummies: 3 Weight-Loss Tips All Doctors Support

diesting for dummies

Trying to find good weight-loss advice can seem nearly impossible. One minute, researchers claim they’ve discovered a new superfood — and the next minute, a study comes out that asserts the exact opposite. As if losing weight wasn’t hard enough! But don’t despair — there are some pieces of solid advice that most, if not all, doctors tell their patients to follow when it comes to shedding pounds.

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Cataracts and keeping your vision intact


If you’ve ever come across fogged-over car headlights, stared at an impressionist painting such as Van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” or peeked through a cloudy piece of glass, chances are you had to squint or strain your eyes to get a clearer view of what you were looking at. These fuzzy depictions often illustrate the world of people who have cataracts.

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