
Groomed LA

soooo many product and treatments to fill you in on – i don’t know where to start.

1. so far, no replacement for the toxic-much-debated Brazilian Blowout. sorry peeps. so far i’ve tried 4 au-natural-chem-free attempts at hair de-frizzing and they all suck-ass.  so this week, thank you thank you, the brilliant LIZ DEVIN will be putting on her mask and flattening the crap outta my jew-frizz over at ANDY LECOMPTE. Continue reading

New Smart Lipo Procedure Promises Less Scarring, Better Results

July 22, 2012

New Smart Lipo Procedure Promises Less Scarring, Better Results

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) — There’s a new alternative to traditional liposuction that promises less down time, minimal scarring and better results.

“Smart Lipo” is a procedure that uses a laser fiber enclosed in a thin tube that is inserted through a small incision in the skin to remove unwanted fat.

It only takes 45 minutes and most people can return to work the following day.

“The beauty of this procedure is the fact that we can do it under local anesthesia,” said Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Nicholas Nikolov.

Smart Lipo costs about $5,000 per area of the body.

Patient Seana Ryan said she was happy with the procedure.

“I’m not really interested in doing anything with the knife per se,” Ryan said. “I just want to do little things that will make me look natural.”

More about Dr. Nikolov

Original Article

Vaser Shape: Non-Surgical,Non-Invasive Fat Removal

For patients considering cosmetic improvements, Vaser Shape makes it easier and more convenient than ever by removing the surgical aspect altogether. If you’re scared of the scalpel, Vaser has the answer: non-invasive, non-surgical treatments to improve your appearance. In place of the surgeon’s knife, Vaser deploys state-of-the-art ultrasound or massage therapy for your shaping or cellulite relief needs. The bottom line: You’ll look and feel better after your Vaser appointment, all without the usual risks and worries that come with traditional plastic surgery techniques.

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Addiction Expert on Nick Stahl’s Rehab Exit

June 20, 2012

Addiction Expert on Nick Stahl’s Rehab Exit

Actor Nick Stahl, who appeared in “Terminator: Rise of the Machines,” is reportedly missing?.

iThe actor entered a rehabilitation facility in late May and was meant to spend at least 30 days inside. Both and E! Online report that Stahl’s friends and family are worried after Stahl left the facility against his doctors’ advice over a week ago. He is now reported missing.

Stahl reportedly went to stay with a friend after leaving rehab and was then seen around downtown Los Angeles before going back to a friend’s house. He has not been seen since he left that house on Thursday.

An unnamed source told E!, “Now he’s disappeared. We can’t find him anywhere,” they said of the so-far futile search efforts. “He has not made contact with anyone. We are all just desperately looking for him … Everyone just wants him to come home. It’s a terrible situation. We are searching, but we have no solid leads.”

The actor also has limited access to his 2-year-old daughter, Marlo, due to his alleged drug and alcohol abuse.

Frequent expert advisor in matters of addiction and recovery to Monsters and Critics, Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside_Malibu, shared his thoughts on when people give up too soon in a rehabilitation environment:

“Anytime someone leaves a facility against treatment advice it’s sad. What usually happens is the patient starts feeling his feelings, the ones he or she used to medicate over and needs to get loaded. Top-notch facilities that make containment a priority have fewer instances of patients leaving against treatment advice.

But this happens at every facility… And it’s heartbreaking every time.”

More about Cliffside Malibu

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Expert Opinion: Is Lindsay Lohan’s “Exhaustion” Something More?

June 18 2012

Expert Opinion: Is Lindsay Lohan’s “Exhaustion” Something More?

On Friday it emerged that Lindsay Lohan was found non-responsive in her Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey, with her representative, Steve Honig, citing “exhaustion” for her apparent collapse.

He went on to add that Lindsay has been “working a gruelling schedule for the last couple of days” on the Elizabeth Taylor biopic.

Then, on Saturday, she was pictured with dark, puffy eyes and a bloated face, as the long days seem to be taking a toll on the 25-year-old.

But is it work, or play that is affecting the star?

We consulted addiction expert Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, who has his own theories on what may well be going on with the actress, whose problems with substance abused have long been chronicled.

Below, he shares his thoughts…

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Expert Opinion: Should Hard-Partying Rihanna Go To Rehab?

June 13, 2012

Expert Opinion: Should Hard-Partying Rihanna Go To Rehab?

She’s beautiful, rich and young, but is Rihanna having too much fun?

According to reports coming out of Britain, her mentor Jay-Z wants the star to check into rehab and curb her partying ways.

A source told Closer magazine: “Rihanna has been out of control for months.

“She was supposed to catch a flight back to the UK last week, but she ended up missing it, which was the final straw for management.

“Jay-Z hit the roof when he found out, and told Rihanna, “Go to rehab now or I’ll drop you from the label”. She’s not happy, but she now feels she has no choice.”

We spoke to our to go-to addiction expert  Richard Taite, President and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, to get his take on Rihanna’s situation.

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Addiction expert on Lindsay Lohan: ‘This looks like it will end very badly…’

June 13, 2012

Addiction expert on Lindsay Lohan: ‘This looks like it will end very badly…’

News on Lindsay Lohan’s Friday Pacific Coast Highway crash has emerged, as the star apparently had an open container of alcohol, law enforcement sources tell TMZ.


TMZ reports that the tow truck driver claimed police confiscated a plastic water bottle from the trunk of the Porsche, one that TMZ’s law enforcement sources confirm contained alcohol.

Another TMZ law enforcement source paints an unclear picture, that the bottle was found in the “debris field” and “scooped up along with other parts and placed in the trunk before it was towed away.”

There is no violation if indeed this container were being transported in the trunk. Lindsay had no alcohol in her system at the time of the accident.

Addiction expert and founder and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, Richard Taite, has followed the troubling stories of Lindsay Lohan in the past few years.  Mr. Taite tells Monsters and Critics: “Lindsey Lohan may not have broken the law, but she is clearly on the wrong path. Booze in the trunk? Not exactly on the road to becoming her best self considering her recent past.  I obviously wish her nothing but the best.  Unfortunately, right now this looks like it will end very badly, I am sorry to say.”

Original Article

More about Cliffside Malibu

Vaser Shape: Lipo Redux

Vaser Shape

Vaser Shape: Lipo, Redux

 Recently, I was asked to try the Vaser Shape, an ultrasound treatment that zaps fat cells and essentially does what liposuction does, but – keyword – non-invasively. Phrases along the lines of, “immediate results, painless, and free” were the factors that made the decision easy an easy yes for me. “What can I lose?” I thought. “An hour of my time? If it doesn’t work, well, it’s non-invasive so no harm.” But there was still the possibility of it actually working, so I’m not going to lie, I was super-excited. Continue reading