NEW YORK (CBS 2) — This summer’s sweltering temperatures have made everyone uncomfortably hot under the collar, but there are some who suffer more than others, no matter what the weather. (more…)
A doctor uses a scalpel in a liposuction surgery. Some plastic surgeons have adopted the controversial technique of transferring unwanted fat from the belly, hips and thighs of patients to the breasts and other areas. (more…)
What do you get the man who has everything? How about some six-pack abs and a chiseled chest? (more…)
Since Eamonn Coughlan, 57, was laid off from his job managing a Jaguar dealership over two years ago, he has sent out over 2,000 resumés but still hasn’t landed a job. He is convinced that his age is to blame for his inability to get back into the workforce. (more…)
Plastic surgeon Dr. David Broadway describes body fat as “liquid gold.” He is an early adopter of a controversial technique to transfer fat from unwanted parts of the body — namely the belly, love handles and thighs — to places where it’s more desirable — namely the breasts. (more…)
Aging does not mean you give up and hand in your sexy card. Raquel Welch is 73 and still gives men the full salute.
Jennifer Lopez’s famous backside was ground zero -according to premiere Butt doctor to the stars Dr. Constantino Mendieta of Miami – for shifting the focus of desirability from boobs to bottom. It was that darn Versace dress she wore in 2000 that shifted the eternal battle in the war between a man’s gaze between tits and ass. Ass is currently in the lead. (more…)
Surgery, wigs, tape: Stars’ red carpet secrets
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The flawless looks about to be unveiled on the Oscars red carpet have been months in the making and require an army of experts.
With perhaps the highest concentration of cameras anywhere in the world that night, plus millions of viewers keenly critiquing every outfit, Oscar’s red carpet is the ultimate runway, where designers and their muses are discovered and celebrated. Hair and makeup trends are established. New style-setting stars are crowned. And sartorial scorn is heaped upon those who make even the slightest misstep.
All that perfection takes a lot of preparation. Here’s a look at the standard steps and secret tricks that stars employ to get red carpet ready:
- Donovan Nelson, 54, sought treatment to enhance his body as it became harder to maintain with age
- He underwent VASER treatment, which involved melting away the unwanted fat and draining it
- Cost him £10,000 but feels ‘so much happier’ with new body and loves dancing with top off in Ibiza (more…)
Stand-up comedian Monique Marvez has a 28-inch waist and favors skin-tight size-8 gowns, both for her “clean comedy” corporate events and somewhat racier appearances on the Showtime series “Snoop Dogg’s Bad Girls of Comedy.” (more…)
The fight against fat is certainly booming. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (, from 2010-2011, there was almost a 13% increase in the total number of liposuction procedures with over 300,000 procedures performed. To meet the growing demand for a slimmer physique, an expansive array of non-invasive bulge busting treatments that promise to freeze flabby tummies, laser love handles and melt midriffs are cropping up on the Dr. Oz Show these days. It can be confusing to sort through all the options and separate the hype from hope. (more…)
October 1, 2012
Dr. Peter Fodor on KTLA
September 28, 2012
Magic wand for fat melting? Yes, says top plastic surgeon
Gowns and revealing clothes offer little leeway for stars to look their best, so this time of year has many seeking fixes to their bulging dilemmas.
There are amazing techniques available now that eliminate surgery and utilize technology to literally melt lipids (fat) sub-dermally and even tighten skin, and the best part is that the results are immediate and even continue after the treatment ends.
Dr. Peter Fodor, hailed by U.S. News’ Castle Connolly as part of the prestigious top 1% in the nation for plastic surgery, is the pioneer that the Sound Surgical Technologies company enlisted to research and develop their cutting edge non-invasive fat fighter: VaserShape.
Dr. Fodor’s reputation is internationally renowned as a leader in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and he is highly respected by the profession as a surgeon, teacher and author.
In the area of liposuction, Dr. Fodor bucks the trend of wide-awake surgery and prefers general anesthesia and no lasering for a smoother effect, as he tells M&C that his practice addresses numerous “redo” surgeries from botched lasering and horrific scar tissue knots that leave an uneven rippled effect for many patients.
soooo many product and treatments to fill you in on – i don’t know where to start.
1. so far, no replacement for the toxic-much-debated Brazilian Blowout. sorry peeps. so far i’ve tried 4 au-natural-chem-free attempts at hair de-frizzing and they all suck-ass. so this week, thank you thank you, the brilliant LIZ DEVIN will be putting on her mask and flattening the crap outta my jew-frizz over at ANDY LECOMPTE. (more…)
This amazing interview with a muscle builder magazine radio show reveals that models who are photographed for muscle magazines get VASER® Hi Def in order to be portrayed in those magazines. (more…)
For patients considering cosmetic improvements, Vaser Shape makes it easier and more convenient than ever by removing the surgical aspect altogether. If you’re scared of the scalpel, Vaser has the answer: non-invasive, non-surgical treatments to improve your appearance. In place of the surgeon’s knife, Vaser deploys state-of-the-art ultrasound or massage therapy for your shaping or cellulite relief needs. The bottom line: You’ll look and feel better after your Vaser appointment, all without the usual risks and worries that come with traditional plastic surgery techniques.
Vaser Shape
Recently, I was asked to try the Vaser Shape, an ultrasound treatment that zaps fat cells and essentially does what liposuction does, but – keyword – non-invasively. Phrases along the lines of, “immediate results, painless, and free” were the factors that made the decision easy an easy yes for me. “What can I lose?” I thought. “An hour of my time? If it doesn’t work, well, it’s non-invasive so no harm.” But there was still the possibility of it actually working, so I’m not going to lie, I was super-excited. (more…)
If we told you that you could get rid of stubborn fat with a non-invasive lipo treatment, you would be flocking to your nearest plastic surgeon, wouldn’t you? Well, there’s a new treatment in town that can give you measurable results in one hour. FDA-approved VASER Shape is the newest non-invasive procedure to hit the market –it firms and shapes those problem areas that are hard to target with the right diet and exercise. “VASER Shape is a breakthrough, non-surgical alternative to liposuction that promises a quick way to get in shape for summer,” says Dr. Steven Bloch, MD. “The demand for non-surgical body shaping has grown tremendously over the past few years.” (more…)
Why head out of the country for surgery when you could get better results here in the US? (more…)
Now I am not into being lazy about obtaining a fit body. I work out several times a week but recently it feels like I just can’t seem to get rid of my belly. My massage therapist reminded me, to my chagrin, that it is natural for my body to add “padding” to my midsection to prepare me for the next stage of life. So though I fight it with my spinning, cardio kickboxing and weightlifting; my belly is still there taunting me (and it doesn’t help that I still eat whatever I want…LOL). (more…)
Imagine a non-surgical way to way to sculpt and smooth your body’s most stubborn problem areas. Are you unhappy with your stomach or maybe looking to tone your legs? Now, on top of this, envision losing inches from your physique in just one, yes I said, one day. Too good to be true? Think again, these dreams have now become a reality. (more…)
April 3, 2012
Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer
Cellulite is a problem that affects 85% of women (and a respectable percentage of men too) over the age of 20.
But until now, cellulite was treated mainly with topical creams, exercise and intensive rolling massage techniques. Even advanced Lipo procedures were largely ineffective because of the fibrous nature of cellulite fat cells.
Not just cellulite, but fat deposits on chins, arms, thighs and tummies that are resistant to exercise are bedeviling to many people who are within normal weight ranges.
But there are fantastic affordable breakthroughs in deep penetrating lasers, sound waves and new Lipo techniques that stimulate fat cells to spill their contents out and either melt away (via a suctioning cannula) or be excreted through the body’s natural elimination process.There is even a breakthrough skin firming and perfecting body makeup that creates a perfect canvas of skin topically to further boost confidence.
April 3, 2012
Spring cleaning: Ways to obliterate the lumps and bumps before summer
Cellulite is a problem that affects 85% of women (and a respectable percentage of men too) over the age of 20.
But until now, cellulite was treated mainly with topical creams, exercise and intensive rolling massage techniques. Even advanced Lipo procedures were largely ineffective because of the fibrous nature of cellulite fat cells.
Not just cellulite, but fat deposits on chins, arms, thighs and tummies that are resistant to exercise are bedeviling to many people who are within normal weight ranges.
But there are fantastic affordable breakthroughs in deep penetrating lasers, sound waves and new Lipo techniques that stimulate fat cells to spill their contents out and either melt away (via a suctioning cannula) or be excreted through the body’s natural elimination process.There is even a breakthrough skin firming and perfecting body makeup that creates a perfect canvas of skin topically to further boost confidence.
For the rest of us, good gym workouts and counting calories often times are not enough. However, in recent years, non surgical fat management has accelerated and now has proven track records of inches lost, and sustained results. Can I get a “Hallelujah”? (more…)
The demand for non-surgical body shaping has grown tremendously over the past few years. VASER Shape is effective for men and women who wish to improve specific problem areas but do not want or need liposuction. (more…)
Fat removal is becoming big business in the aesthetics world and there are a number of systems, utilising different forms of energy, that aim to remove the fat and sculpt the body into the desired shape. Vaser Shape is a non-surgical technique that uses ultrasound and massage therapy treatment to smooth, firm and shape the body, temporarily reducing cellulite, increasing lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. (more…)
Fantastic breakthroughs in non and lesser invasive liposuction have come to fruition thanks to cutting edge technology delivered by VASER Shape and VASER Lipo. (more…)
February 8, 2012
America the Booty-ful: How Dr. Mendieta’s Bottom Line is reshaping the country
Last year in Miami, a disturbed transsexual masquerading as a Doctor injected terrible things like cement and Fix-A-Flat tire repair compound into unwitting patients all seeking to enhance their buttocks and faces.
The net result was horrific, but it underscored the growing trendthat the Kate Moss and Agyness Deyn boyish sexless thin build no longer was the desired look. This haut-fashion human clothes’ hanger ideal has been replaced by the voluptuous, round and decidedly retro female form.
‘Baby got back’ is in full swing, and Americans, thanks to culture icons J-Lo, Kim Kardashian and Sofia Vergara, are lusting for the grabbable tush, the bootylicious behind.
The man who is considered the top of this bottom enhancing field is Board CertifiedPlastic Surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a Miami-based physician raised in Los Angeles, and still licensed in California too.
August 11, 2011
A Brazilian Butt Lift for a Rounder Rear End
Ah, the plight of modern woman: excess fat where you don’t want it and not enough volume where do want it on your body. For many years, women have asked, “Why can’t you take this and move it here?” referencing belly fat to the breast or buttock region. Now you can. Using the fat transfer procedure, many revolutionary techniques have emerged to better hide potential scarring and ensure better grafting results to the derriere.
For quite some time, the focus has been on breast augmentation but now attention has moved down south… and behind to the buttocks. Traditional buttock augmentation has been performed with an implant, not dissimilar to a breast implant, but this procedure was fraught with complications post-procedure. As recently seen on The Doctors, a new technique founded by Dr. Constantino Mendieta, The Miami Thong Lift offers patients a fuller and rounder buttock with little or no scarring.
One of the key points Dr. Mendieta makes is to have a successful Brazilian Butt Lift, you must have an excess of fat to move to the buttocks. In some cases, he will send his patients to “Booty Camp,” a diet in which the patient is to gain approximately 20 lbs so there is excess fat to remove and transfer.
May 16, 2011
Figure Flaw Fix: The Brazilian Butt Lift
Buttock Augmentation has come a long way from implants, new techniques today use the patients’ own fat and ultrasonic liposculpture to shape and sculpt the derriere.
Move over Breast Augmentation, there’s a new popular procedure in town – the interest and demand for Buttock Augmentation has increased significantly over the last few years. As technology advances, new techniques are being utilized to give women the rear they’ve always wanted – a shapely, rounded buttock. The most recent technique uses fat transfer to relocate fat from an undesirable part on the patient’s body to the buttocks, in a procedure physicians have dubbed the Brazilian Butt Lift.
Older women with younger men is no longer shocking. For example look at Katie Couric and her beau or Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher. Madonna and whomever is her present squeeze, etc. It is now part of accepted societal trend and behavior. What was once good for the goose is now good for the gander. Now there are scores of Cougar dating sites. ABC’s new show is called Cougar Town with Courtney Cox. Daytime soaps are developing Cougar storylines for their summer shows. (more…)
Actual VASER Shape Results of Dr. Julene B. Samuels (more…)
Q: COUGARS! How does one become a COUGAR?
A: WITH ALL THE HELP SHE CAN GET! World-class plastic surgeons create cunning Cougars’ sharp claws every day. (more…)
Surgical tech Bruce McCauley collects syringes of fat to be injected into a patient’s breasts. (Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post) (more…)
Dr. David Broadway and VASER® Hi Def Breast Augmentation change the way women look at Breast Augmentation. Hearing “It’s an obvious boob job” is the last thing a woman would want any person, man or woman, to remark after her investment in time, emotion and money. (more…)
Denver plastic surgeon Dr. John Millard is an “Extra” Lifechanger — and one of just a handful of surgeons in the world who perform Vaser Hi-Def Liposculpture, The procedure creates a perfect set of abs without the pain of crunches — and Dr. Millard is answering questions about the quick-fix procedure on “Extra!” (more…)
Denver based plastic surgeons John A. Millard, M.D. and David Broadway, M.D. have created a thriving plastic surgery practice despite the bleak economy. By providing top notch care in a state of the art surgery center, which is complete with a full service spa and a snack bar, Millard and Broadway have managed to create Denver’s premier plastic surgery practice, attracting patients from all over the globe, all without having to discount their prices at all. In fact, Millard and Broadway saw a 10% increase in profits last year, and expect to see a similar increase this year. (more…)
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